Chapter Thirty-Five

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{genius crafter}

The squad was full of relief when Yoongi and Jimin showed no signs of serious injury. The most major wound being the blotchy purple finger markings against Jimin's neck, sticking out like a sore thumb every time the male walked past a moonlit window. They had been darn lucky to have escaped unscathed, and now the squad found themselves on high alert as they continued to climb the final flights of stairs to the roof of the leaning tower. 

"Yoongi?" Jimin spoke up, voice still horse after being strangled mere minutes ago by a flesh eating monster. Yoongi who was walking just ahead of him paused, turning a little to face the male behind him. Jimin brought a hand to his head, sweeping a few loose strands of his golden hair from his face as his eyes locked with Yoongi's chocolate brown orbs. The moonlight made Yoongi appear all the more ethereal, silvery rays softly illuminating his pale, porcelain like skin. Jimin gulped, "Thanks, for you know- helping me back there." 

Yoongi's cherry red lips rose into a soft smile, a rare sight from the rather stern male, "It's not a problem... after all, you helped me too." he commented, referring to when at one stage Jimin had taken on the full forces of the horde whilst Yoongi reloaded. 

Jimin gave a soft chuckle, "I'll make sure to improve your close combat skills later." 

Yoongi smirked, crossing his arms across his body as he stood knowingly in place, "Same goes for you." he chuckled, "You really need to be taught how to use a gun." 

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah- I know." he replied, walking towards Yoongi and nudging him on the shoulder before they both turned around and continued heading up the stairs. 

With each and every level they made there way through, Namjoon couldn't help but let his eyes fall upon the discarded objects. The latest residents of the abandoned apartments were the spiders. Many years had laced the walls with cobwebs of intricate beauty, though now even they lay in dusty rags. It had been four long years since a footstep had echoed within the walls, since the dust had been disturbed and the building awoken. The only furniture laying about were turned over and broken, papers, toys, keepsakes and electronics sprawled over the old floorboards. Namjoon found himself letting out a sad sigh, all of this must've been someone's life, someone's joy and happiness once lay here in this building. 

As Namjoon's gaze remained glued on the reminisce of the building, Hoseok stopped in his tracks, turning to the rest of the squad, "Okay guys, we're about five levels from the top of the building." Hoseok mentioned. Daisy who was standing beside the orange haired male cast her eyes absentmindedly out the windows. The building beside them was so close, the inside visible from where she was standing. "Before we head to the top, grab anything useful, the city is unexpected and this may be our last chance to grab anything extra we might need." he explained. 

The squad gave a nod of approval before spreading out over the floor, snatching up anything they found of use. Jungkook and Yoongi searched for any left over ammunition, whilst Tessa and Jimin searched the old rundown kitchens for any blades that may be of use. Namjoon on the other hand was searching for more specific items, he had been collecting items the entire way up in order to begin crafting something of great use to the squad. Yes, Namjoon was a tactician, but he was also cleverly skilled in crafting. 

Once the floor had been searched, the team found their way back together again, meeting at the next flight of stairs in preparation for the upper levels of the building. Jungkook remembered looking up at the leaning building from his position on the ground. The towers were crossable at the very top, anywhere below was a slight jump away. It was too dangerous to take any chances, so Hoseok had instructed them from the very beginning that they were crossing at the top. 

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