Chapter Forty

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{for humanities sake}

In the frigid autumn air the squad continued down the road, through the town's main centre and down a familiar path, towards the high school and to the government science lab. The wind blew cold, the warning of winter approaching them. Upon the grass were tiny speckles of frost, much like sprinkled sugar over a cake. The cold air had a way of keeping them in the moment, wicking away body heat much faster then they could replace it. Daisies breaths came in puffs, arms hugging themselves around her tiny form as she moved with briskness. Noticing her silent struggle, Hoseok removed his jumper which at this stage was now almost completely dry, draping it over the girl's shoulders. 

Green eyes flickering up to meet his, Daisy gave a soft smile, "Thanks Hoseok." she sniffed, obviously catching a cold after the extreme temperatures the squad had been through today. 

"No problem." he shrugged. Raising an arm, Hoseok positioned his hand to the sky, flattening his palm as he measured the distance between the sun and the horizon. "Judging by the position of the sun, it's mid-afternoon" he spoke, slightly relieved that they'd have more then enough time to make it down to the science facility. 

"That's a relief." Taehyung sighed, trotting alongside Jungkook, "we're almost at the high school and the facility is about a 45 minute walk from there. I bet we can do it in under an hour." he commented, sliding his hands into the pockets of his lab coat which at this stage was now dry. 

The grey clouds had finally disappeared leaving room for the sun. As Taehyung continued to head down the country road the sun began to warm his skin in the same way the nostalgia brought warmth to his core. The rustling of the surrounding trees and the soft chirping of birds were music to his ears, a soothing sound in the midst of his chaotic past few days. Lowering his head from the sky, Taehyung turned to the male walking beside him. Jungkook's caramel skin was almost golden under the soft rays of the afternoon sun, silver piercings catching in the light with every step he took forwards. 

"Staring are we?" Jungkook chuckled as he smugly turned towards Taehyung's now flustered form. 

Regaining his composure, Taehyung swept a hand across his vision, "Pssh, no... say what you believe." he spoke, clicking his tongue dismissively as he turned his gaze back to the road ahead, but his expression was quick to soften at the crumbling building in the distance. 

Jungkook found himself also falling silent at the sight of the building coming up on their left, "It's the old high school." he breathed, eyes not leaving the rusted front gates. The metal of the gates were rusted over, peeling at the sides whilst vines grew around the edges. Behind the haunting gate was the school, slowly crumbling away but standing tall and proud none the less. Jimin too began to slow at the sight of the doors of the front entrance hanging wide open, like a moment frozen in time after the students had fled the school in a panicked heap. 

"Thanks Taehyung." Jimin muttered. 

Taehyung rose a brow in question, "Why are you thanking me?" 

The blonde male turned towards Taehyung, lightly twirling his dagger between his fingers, "Do you remember day zero? You kinda left in a hurry." he began to explain, the blade of his knife catching in the light. 

Taehyung frowned, "Yeah... I'd never forget it." he replied, recalling his outburst in the middle of a lecture as he fled the school grounds. For the first time, he felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he recalled leaving an entire body of students behind to fend for themselves. He felt selfish. 

Jimin's bright chuckle snapped him from his trance, "You left your backpack in the classroom." he smiled taking Taehyung aback with his absolute positivity, "I was cornered in the classroom, if it wasn't for the stupid stuff you carried around in your backpack I seriously wouldn't be alive." he smiled, before placing his hands firmly against the scientist's shoulders, "So thank you, Taehyung."

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