Chapter Seven

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Soft splashing water droplets hit the windscreen of the van as Hoseok, Daisy and Jungkook sat frozen in their positions. The skies were overhung with a blanket of grey, so much so that they could barely tell the difference between the sky and the clouds. Usually the rain was a calming thing... but nothing in that moment was calming. 

Being in the back of the van, Hoseok turned around as he lost no time in sliding open the side of the van, jumping out into the open. As his combat boots hit the soil, his shoes were bathed in the newly bequeathed rain. It gurgled and bubbled as he walked past the van and onto the rain soaked road, slowly approaching the figure laying unconscious. 

Hair so black against skin so white caught Hoseok off guard. The shock and the contrast only serving to make his situation all the more ghostly, all the more haunting. The male had soft resting features and feline eyes that Hoseok didn't want to see suddenly open. 

Hoseok knelt down beside the sprawled out male in a way that if the male was a walker, he could pivot and sprint straight back to the van. 

Brushing the male's damp, midnight black hair from his eyes, Hoseok assed the male for any signs of injury or infection. But to his dismay, his skin remained porcelain with the occasional sign of a graze. 

Hoseok swept a hand through his hair, rain causing the strands once in his eyes to stay in their slicked back position as he began assessing the rest of the males body. He had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing like a zombie bite on him at all. 

Deciding it was safe to bring him back with them, Hoseok placed his arms underneath the male's body, letting out a slight grunt when he took the male into his arms, running back to the parked van as fast as he could. 

Ignoring the fact that he was getting his muddy boots all over the floor of the van, Hoseok lay the male gently on the floor, "Jungkook, pass me a jacket from the bag in the corner, okay?" Hoseok spoke calmly as he began assessing the unconscious male. Jungkook quickly did as asked, pulling out a decent sized coat and bringing it to Hoseok's side. 

Opposed to the two calm males, Daisy was pretty much hyperventilating in the front seat. Just the thought of running over someone was haunting. Hoseok was quick to notice this, 

"Dasiy." Hoseok's soothing voice caught Daisies attention in an instant, her emerald eyes coming into contact with her boyfriend's reassuring look. "Don't worry, judging by his injures he wasn't run over, he just fainted in the middle of the road." Hoseok explained.

Jungkook was astonished that he didn't realise it earlier, but the male before him had no major injuries. He was probably just sick or malnourished. 

Jungkook watched on as Hoseok removed the male's soaked military jacket, replacing it with a dry one in an attempt to keep the male from getting sick... or sicker. Hoseok also took the time in confiscating the said male's weapons for safety reasons. 

You never knew who you could trust these days, so taking precautions was a must. 

Handing the three gun's and torch to Jungkook, the younger male quickly went to place them in one of the compartments up front but paused when he saw the engraving on the side of the gun's barrel, 

"Officer Min Yoongi?" Jungkook spoke. 

Hoseok sat him self cross legged in front of the male, "Min Yoongi huh? He must've been one tough cookie to survive this long on his own." Hoseok commented. 

Daisy removed herself from the drivers seat, kneeling down in front of Yoongi. Jungkook almost forgot that Daisy was a scientist. She'd have some medical knowledge up her sleeve for sure. 

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