Chapter Twenty-Three

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{action plan}

The scent of rain hung in the air as Taehyung wondered towards the camp centre. Four hectares of thick spring grass, wet under the early morning dew separating him from the path as he trudged his way from Hoseok's van. Tilting his head upwards Taehyung let out a lengthy sigh, watching as clouds moved slowly through the morning sky, kissed into brilliant white by the sun. They moved westward towards the city, together yet independently. Frowning, Taehyung noticed the hint of greyness, a suggestion that rain was to once again play a part in the day to come. It was still early morning, yet he felt as the day had already dragged on forever. 

Steadily making his way to the camps centre, Taehyung walked over to Namjoon's accomodation, shoes clicking against the cement pavement as he reached the wooden door. Raising a steady hand, he gave a slight knock, slipping his hands back into the pocket of his lab coat as a series of shuffles from inside signalled that Namjoon was coming to the door. 

With a slight creak, the door swung open revealing the tall silver haired man. Attempting to flatten his bed hair, Namjoon furrowed his brows, "Taehyung?" he spoke, covering his mouth as he yawned, "What brings you here so early morning?" Namjoon asked, leaning his tired figure against the door frame, arms crossed firmly over his body. 

Taehyung cut straight to the point, "As you already know, we have an immune individual in our hands. I can't pass up this opportunity, we have to act on this as soon as possible." he explained. 

Namjoon frowned, "Let me guess," he uncrossed his arms from his chest, loosening his stance, "It involves traveling?" he spoke, recalling when just last night Taehyung had questioned him about Hoseok's navigational skills. 

Taehyung gave a slight nod, "Yes. We need to go west, past the city."

At the unusual announcement Namjoon's eyes became as immobile as the rest of his face, as if news like that was impossible to absorb any faster. He was frozen for a good second or two before shaking himself out of his thoughts, eyes returning to their usual softness, "Are you sure about this?" he spoke, "It's quite dangerous."

Taehyung remained unfazed, further emphasising his certainty, "I'm sure. For the sake of humanity, this is what needs to be done."

Namjoon appeared hesitant, taking in a breath of uncertainty as he weighed the good and the bad. Hoseok was an amazing navigator, one that had traveled through the city countless times. But Namjoon couldn't help but worry, worry about the fact that Hoseok was too stubborn for his own good, not hesitating to throw himself in arms way if it meant the safety of everyone else around him. 

Becoming impatient, Taehyung began to tap his foot against the pavement, drawing Namjoon's attention back towards himself. Namjoon pushed off the door frame, "Lets talk about this over breakfast." he huffed, dashing back inside to grab his coat before following Taehyung out the door. 


Taehyung's eyes locked over the breakfast table with Namjoon's, the soft expressions from the day before had evaporated. Namjoon held his gaze, but instead of the usual warmth of a friend it was with an icy hostility. In an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, Hoseok cracked a joke about it all being a "strange staring contest" and snorted, Namjoon's face was impassive but tilted back a little so he was looking down upon Taehyung once again, eyes still; then he spoke with the most robotic tone Hoseok had ever heard. 

"I can't stop you all from travelling to the city." Namjoon sighed, eyes scanning over the eight people present at the breakfast table. Namjoon sat across from Taehyung who sat diligently next to Jungkook. Jimin and Yoongi were both seated beside Namjoon and across from them was Hoseok and Daisy. Tessa was also present, seated at the head of the table as Namjoon cleared his throat, "So I've decided to come along with you."

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