Chapter Forty-One

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{battle against the living}

They had gone unnoticed. 

The squad from camp Delta definitely had no idea that hiding just behind the last few police cars were none other then the runaway group they were so desperately searching for. 

In the few seconds that followed Jungkook gestured for the squad to space out, giving them all a higher chance of succeeding in this battle. Yoongi and Jimin were quick to scurry over to a police car parked in front, breathing almost catching in their throats as a camp Delta official almost turned his attention their way. Hoseok on the other hand went alone, feet brushing quietly against the fresh dewy grass as he swiftly made his way to a different police car, giving a quick thumbs up once he was securely hidden behind the clump of rusted metal. Namjoon stayed in position, hauling his backpack off his tired shoulders before rummaging through it's contents beginning to craft anything of use with the limited materials he had left on hand. 

In contrast, Jungkook, Jin, Taehyung and Daisy took an opportunity to get closer towards the entrance of the government science facility. "Alright." Jungkook spoke up, voice hushed as he huddled together with the small group, "Are you guys sure you're up for this?" 

Daisy nod her head, lengthy chestnut curls bouncing a little as she placed a warm hand of reassurance against Jungkook's shoulder, "We'll be fine, just focus on keeping us covered from out here." she smiled before removing her hand from his shoulder. 

Starring into Daisies luscious green orbs Jungkook couldn't help but feel hesitant in letting the three scientists storm the building, but yet again, it was much more dangerous outdoors and exposed then inside the comfort of the lab. Jungkook had to remember that Taehyung and Jin both knew about the facilities layout. There'd be no one better suited then them. 

Letting out a short breath, Jungkook turned towards Taehyung, "You only need the files right?" he asked, still a little confused as to why Taehyung was so dead set on finding his father's files more so than his notes.  

Taehyung nod as he swept a few strands of brunette hair from his eyes, "Yeah, if worst comes to worst the files are all I need." he explained, slipping a hand into the pocket of his lab coat as he pulled out a government ID card. 

The group fell into silence once again as Jungkook took a moment to think. The trees rustled ever so slightly in the autumn breeze, the chirping of birds calming him as he soaked in the moment of peace. His jeans were becoming soaked once again from the muddy grass below him and Jungkook couldn't help but feel nervous. During all of his four years at camp Delta he had never treasured a squad more so then he treasured the people before him. They had complete trust in one another. The squad was now waiting on his signal. 

Jungkook took in the freshly calm air with that hint of an earthly aroma, the fragrance of the land. Just being there brought his soul into a sweet surrender, at one with nature, vibrant yet relaxed. He filled his lungs with one last calm breath of air before shuffling to the edge of the car, leaning out from behind the metal as he made eye contact with the orange haired male hiding not too far from him. 

The officials from camp Delta had all gathered near the front entrance, conversing with one another as they remained oblivious to the archer crouched behind a nearby vehicle. Shaking his hair from his eyes, Hoseok pulled his quiver from his shoulder taking an arrow into his grasp before loading it into the string of his bow. Fingers clasping around the bottom of the arrow, Hoseok pulled back the string, resting the thin material against his cheek as he sucked in a breath of air. With narrowed eyes and an expression of ice Hoseok abruptly rose to his feet, releasing his loose hold on the string and sending the arrow flying forwards. 

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