Chapter Twenty-Seven

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{unlikely encounters}

It was only an hour ago the blackness of night was absolute. Against a backdrop of faded pinks and purples the city skyscrapers were nothing but silhouettes, still as an oil painting and darker then the ravens. The sky lit up in a peachy glow as the cold air of the night seemingly slipped away. It was the perfect dawn, one to be savoured instead of squandered. Under the radiant beauty of the rising sun Jungkook found his eyes flicker open, gaze falling out the front of the van and onto the now clear path ahead of them. 

Rubbing his eyes from his sleep, Jungkook let out a yawn, arms stretching high above his head as he stretched his tensed muscles. It wasn't everyday he managed to sleep in a chair, he wished that he had taken the time to pull out a roll up mattress and sleep on the floor at least, but yet again- that would mean sleeping beside Taehyung. At the simple thought, Jungkook found himself turn towards the back of the van, eyes trailing over to meet Taehyung. To his surprise, the scientist wasn't asleep, instead he was seated in the exact same position as last night, tin of soup in his hand as he continued scanning over his endless pile of seemingly important notes. 

"Having fun there?" Jungkook chuckled, swinging his legs around to the side of the front seat as he stood to his feet. Jungkook found himself stumbling a little on sleep before regaining his composure, shuffling towards the food create beside Taehyung. 

Taehyung huffed, placing his can of soup down as he swept the loose strands of hair from his eyes, "At least I'm being useful." Taehyung spoke, rolling his eyes at the younger male. 

Jungkook frowned in offence, "I can be useful too you know." Jungkook remarked, pulling out a tin of spaghetti for himself, cracking open the lid, "I'm smarter then you might think, I just haven't shown it yet." he spoke confidently, wrapping the cold pasta around his fork before feeding it into his mouth. 

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever you say." Taehyung groaned, tapping his pen against the makeshift table as he avoided eye contact with Jungkook. The younger male could tell Taehyung was in a bad mood. Usually he would fight back against someone as rude as Taehyung, but due to the situation, he would rather not get on anyone's bad side at the moment. He was the squad leader after all, everyone was his upmost responsibility. 

A loud noise of rhythmic knocking sounded against the back of the van, cutting through the intense silence Jungkook had created between himself and the scientist. Ruffling his bed hair, Jungkook made his way over to the back of the van, placing a hand against the cold metal handle and swinging open the back doors. Jungkook's hand dropped flatly to his side, lips parting and eyes widening at the male standing before him, "Hoseok?" Jungkook spoke. It seemed Taehyung was also surprised, freezing up as he turned to the orange haired male entering through the back of the van, "Why are you here? Isn't Namjoon our designated driver?" Jungkook looked left and right, "And where's Daisy?" he asked, knowing that it was quite rare for Hoseok to ever separate himself from his curly haired counterpart. 

With a stern expression, Hoseok stepped up into the van, turning back around to shut and lock the backdoor behind him, making it known that there was no one else coming through the doors, "We need to back up and go the opposite way." Hoseok begun explaining, wrapping his arms around his form as he begun to shiver, making his way towards the front drivers seat, "The streets are too narrow for one of us to overtake so as the navigator it's safer if I travel up front." he spoke, sitting himself down in the drivers seat and placing his keys in the ignition, "Daisy was still asleep, so I decided to leave her with Namjoon... she'll be fine in his van, after all, she's got Jimin and Yoongi watching her back, and they did a great job at protecting her before." Hoseok spoke, softly smiling as he recalled back to the first night he spent with Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin. How the horde swarmed them, and despite all odds, Yoongi was able to hold them back with the assistance of Jimin's surprise appearance. 

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