Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Jin!?" Taehyung exclaimed, eyes wide as his gaze remained glued on the man standing in front of the parked van. The three other male's turned in question at Taehyung's reaction. 

"Wait-" Namjoon spoke up, turning in his seat before gesturing out the window, "You know that guy?" 

Cracking his knuckles and sharpening his gaze, Taehyung's eyes sent a deadly glare towards Jin, "Yeah-" he spoke, pausing as he pushed Hoseok aside, heading straight towards the back door of the van, "that guy has a lot of explaining to do." Taehyung snapped, placing his palms against the back doors before pushing them open. A gust of cold autumn wind channeled itself into the van, sweeping through Taehyung's brunette locks as he jumped outside. 

Fists clenched tightly by his side, Taehyung stomped his way over the cracked pavement brewing anger like tea in a pot or like a storm out at sea. Rigid with fury Taehyung's stomping became more aggressive, pace faster as he gained ground on the male. It seemed Jin had registered Taehyung's lost temper, beginning to raise his arms in defence, shaking his hands as he pleaded for the male to stop, "Taehyung- I know what I did bu-"

"Shut up!" Taehyung shout, closing in on Jin as he raised a clenched fist, swinging it without hesitation and ploughing it into Jin's cheek. 

Letting out a grunt, Jin found himself flying backwards, stumbling on his feet before regaining his balance. Bringing a soft hand to the side of his face, Jin flinched as his fingers brushed along the now bruised skin, facial expression hardening as he turned back towards the raging brunette before him. "Tae listen-"

"I don't wanna hear anything from you!" Taehyung shout, cutting off Jin's words as he began to stomp his way towards the older male, "You left me!" he exclaimed, a hint of sadness laced through his raised voice, "You said you'd stick with me till the end, but you left me!" Taking another step forwards, Taehyung was once again in front of Jin, fist raised and ready. Jin found himself bracing for the heavy impact, but was instead caught off guard when a hand gripped itself tightly around Taehyung's arm. 

Stumbling backwards, Taehyung felt himself being tugged away from Jin, "Let go, Yoongi." Taehyung spoke through clenched teeth, turning towards the blue haired male behind him, "This has nothing to do with you." 

'this has nothing to do with you,' It was a sentence Yoongi was used to hearing from Taehyung, words he hadn't heard in a very long time. Before the apocalypse, back when he was just the local police man, Taehyung was the most troublesome guy in the area. Always breaking out into violence street fights, Yoongi was the only person who could ever break them up. Almost every time he pulled back Taehyung's bruised and battered form, he was always met by the same stubborn words of, 'this has nothing to do with you.'

"Fine then." Yoongi sighed, smugly releasing his tight grasp from Taehyung's arm, "this time, I won't interfere." he spoke bluntly as he took a step backwards from the fuming male, leaving him completely baffled at Yoongi's unexpected behaviour. Taehyung didn't know what to say, he had frozen up. For the first time, Yoongi wasn't disrupting Taehyung, instead he was allowing the younger male to make his own decisions as to what to do next. 

Sucking in a sharp breath of air, Taehyung's chest rose and fell, fists unclenching until his fingers hung loosely by his side. Relaxing in his place, Taehyung decided to act mature for once. Violence couldn't solve everything. 

"Tae..." Jin spoke up, soft voice further relaxing Taehyung as the older male took a hesitant step forwards, warm rays of the setting sun entangling themselves through Jin's chestnut hair. "I'm sorry okay. There was a good reason why I left, I promise."

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