Chapter Twelve

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{Final Stretch} 

As the engine sung to the country roads, Hoseok relished the roaring winds that twirled in his tousled orange hair and whistled through his ears. The night had become quite peaceful once they had left the forest, and the groans and moans of the undead had vanished. 

Trailing his eyes up to the revision mirror, Hoseok looked into the back of the van. 

Jungkook was cuddled soundly in a sleeping bag, buried in sleep as his dark hair spread around his pillow. Yoongi was also fast asleep. He had woken up not to long after the horde's attack, but soon found himself falling into slumber with his lack of energy. He had completely exhausted himself after his close combat with the walking dead. Daisy said it was a miracle he was even alive after draining so much of himself. 

Jimin on the other hand was perched upon stacked boxes, head pressed soundly against the cool window of the van as his eyes flickered over the dark silhouettes of objects passing by. His breath came warm against the glass, fogging it up with every peaceful breath. 

No one had really questioned Jimin yet. Were he had come from, why he was here. Worn out after the fight, everyone was quick to doze off like the whole ordeal was just some kind of sick dream. 

Eyes falling back to the road, Hoseok wanted nothing more then to lay down and be enveloped by the warmth of silence. Whether he wanted to rest permanently or not, he didn't know. He never would have thought silence could be considered warm, but there he was, craving the silence of the night to last forever. 

"Hoseok," Daisy whispered softly from the front passenger seat. It was nice that Daisy had decided to stay awake with Hoseok for the final leg of the trip. They had been driving for hours, basically non-stop since they had rescued Jungkook. Hoseok was glad though, glad he would reach camp Beta by sunrise. 

"Mhm" Hoseok hummed in acknowledgement, not taking his eyes off the road. 

Daisy gently tapped on his shoulder, causing his eyes to flicker over to her. Daisy simply pointed out her side of the window, gesturing for Hoseok to take a look. 

Inching his foot off the accelerator Hoseok turned his eyes off the road as he peered out the side window, eyes narrowed as he tried to make out the silhouettes in the dark. It didn't take him long to realise that those silhouettes were in fact skyscrapers. 

Hoseok's eyes widened in fascination as his gaze remained glued to the distant buildings. The skyscrapers towered above the rest of the land as pillars of concrete and glass. Hoseok swore his breath had been taken away by the incredible sight. 

It appeared Jimin was at a loss for words too, finger against the window as he traced the outlines of the buildings. 

"It's incredible." Jimin spoke to no one but himself, eyes not leaving the wondrous sight. 

"What? Have you guys never seen a bunch of buildings before." Jungkook yawned, slowly awakening from his slumber as he stretched his tired arms above his head. 

Jimin gave Jungkook a glare, "We lived in a rural area Kook." Jimin rolled his eyes, "Besides, these days, going to the city is dangerous." 

Jungkook found a cocky smirk spread its way across his face, "Still all about safety I see... mr class president" Jungkook chuckled, Jimin's stare however grew increasingly intense with Jungkook's comment. Jungkook kicked the cover of the sleeping bag off his feet, "I've been to the city plenty of times and not once have I almost... a-almost..." Jungkook's voice trailed off as his gaze fell upon his sleeve covered arm, "...died."

Jimin was taken aback. There was something puzzling about Jungkook's stance, enough to send Jimin standing up and walking his way. It was like something was weighing him down enough for him to loose all confidence. 

Yoongi began to stir in his sleep, waking up from all the commotion. It was at that moment Hoseok sent a glance of reassurance towards Jungkook, signalling that it would be alright. 

Jungkook sucked in a deep breath as he placed a shaking hand against his sleeve, slowly pulling up the cotton material to reveal the large scar underneath. 

There was a series of gasps that came from the two clueless males in the room. Jimin found himself bewildered as he covered his hands over his mouth in both shock and denial, "Jungkook- is... is that?"

Jungkook was taken aback back when Yoongi leapt to his feet as if a firecracker had gone off. The blue haired male was quick to pull a handgun from his belt, switching off the safety with a sickening click as he pointed the gun straight at the younger male's head. 

"YOONGI STOP!" Hoseok bellowed, slamming his foot on the breaks as the van jolted to a hard stop. Yoongi remained unfazed as he kept his gun on target, wild eyes and face plastered with a murderous expression. 

"What are you guys even thinking!" Yoongi called, a chuckle of confusion as his finger began making its way to the trigger. Hoseok found himself beginning to shuffle towards the blue haired male in an attempt to defuse the situation. Yoongi's eyes stayed glued to the now shaking Jungkook, "Bringing an infected with you!? He's as good as dead!"

Jungkook gulped as he began to take slow steps backwards, "It's not what you think Yoongi." Jungkook tried to explain, "I'm not infected."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Then what's that... huh!?" Yoongi scoffed, gesturing towards the bite, "a fucking scratch!?"

By this stage Hoseok had had enough, slamming his fist against the wall of the van, "Let the kid explain for fucks sake!" he shouted, snapping everyone's attention towards him, "He's not infected! Seriously!" Hoseok finished, eyes pleading for both Yoongi and Jimin to let Jungkook at least speak. 

"It's true!" Jungkook called, running his fingers along his forearm, "This is over 24 hours old." 

It was only then that Yoongi noticed the scarring. It wasn't fleshy, red or bruised, it was healed over. Almost as if it was years old. Shaking his head in utter disbelief, Yoongi dropped his hands to his side, "There's no way..."

"... that he's immune?" Hoseok spoke, a smirk making its way to his lips as he realised that Yoongi could now understand the situation. 

Jungkook cleared his throat as he grabbed everyone's attention, "Everyone listen up!" he called, taking the sleeve of his shirt back into his hand as he pulled the sleeve down, coving his bite once again, "I'm Squad leader here... and I say everyone needs to chill the heck out." 

Realisation hit Yoongi and Jimin like a bus as they absorbed Jungkook's words. It was quite easy to forget Jungkook was their squadron leader, and Yoongi already felt uneasy about the fact that he literally just raised a gun to his commander. 

"I Jeon Jungkook am immune," He spoke, placing a hand on his chest to reinforce his words, 

"And we're all going to find a cure."


{Author Note}

Ahhhh almost at camp Beta!

Super unhappy with my editing on this chapter, literally wrote it at 3am. So sorry if it was a bit choppy.  

Update tomorrow x


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