Chapter Twenty-Four

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In the dim half-light of the moon, Hoseok's face was shadowed as he begun loading up the van with a variety of new goods supplied by camp Beta. Hunched over the boxes he lifted them one by one, becoming increasingly nervous as the time ticked on. It was already early in the night and Jungkook had plans to leave within the hour, causing a bitter taste to form in Hoseok's mouth. He had sworn to never return to the city, but here he was, venturing across it like his life meaning came down to this one journey. 

Namjoon trailed up behind Hoseok, box in his hands and muscles working all the more. The wind brought a wave of freshness over his skin, making a mess out of his tousled hair. In the trees of the forest it was a gusting chorus, a song so confidently sung. One that wouldn't be heard from inside the concrete jungle of the city. 

"Need a hand?" Namjoon sung, trying to lighten the mood. It was unlike Hoseok to be so down about something, so the least Namjoon could do was try to cheer him up. 

Hoseok gave a soft smile, turning around and taking the box from Namjoon's hands, fumbling with its heavy weight, "Thanks Joon, but I'm all good." Hoseok gestured towards the van parked behind him, "You should go help out in the van you'll be driving." he spoke, placing the box down inside the vehicle. 

Namjoon let out a sigh, nodding his head before trailing over to the other van. It had been decided that the team would be split up according to skill levels. In Hoseok's van would be Daisy, Yoongi and Jimin. Daisy as the stand by medic, Jimin for close combat situations and Yoongi as the shooter. In the following van; Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook and Tessa. Namjoon for tactics, Taehyung for medic, Jungkook for shooter, and Tessa for close combat. The division had worked out well, everyone agreed that the safest option was to spread their forces. 

Making his way over to the other van, Namjoon watched through the open door as Taehyung began packing things away, making room for the extra few passengers. It seemed Namjoon had caught his eye because Taehyung began to speak, "Since my squad left me, we've got supplies for free." he bluntly explained, opening a draw containing a stack of bullets. Taehyung picked up the ammunition, "Yo, Jungkook heads up!" he called, catching the attention of the brunette as he tossed the bullets his way. 

Catching it with a single hand, Jungkook sent his smile across the van, "Thanks Taehyung." he grinned earning a shrug from the scientist as he closed the drawer and let out a tired sigh. 

"We're all good to go." Taehyung spoke, earning a nod from Namjoon as the older male climbed into the van, shutting the door behind him as he made his way to the front drivers seat. Tessa climbed into the front passenger seat, pulling out a map of the city whilst Taehyung and Jungkook sluggishly made their way to the back of the van, pressing their backs against the back door as they fell to the floor with a thump. They had been non stop loading up the van and already out of breath, shallow breathing cut through the temporary silence. 

Slipping a hand into the pocket of his jeans, Namjoon pulled out a small walkie talkie, flipping a switch on the side of the rusted metal as static noises erupted from the device. After a small amount of tuning, Hoseok's voice became audible through the device. 

"Ready to go?" Hoseok spoke. Namjoon could practically sense the male's smirk coming from the other side of the line. For once Hoseok was more knowledgable then he was. 

Namjoon chuckled, "Ready as we'll ever be." he responded, placing a steady hand against the gears as he switched the vehicle into drive. The engine roared over the silence of the night, beams of light erupting from the front of the van, cutting through the darkness as he pulled away from the side of the fence, trailing behind Hoseok's van. 

The distant sound of a small siren was heard over the low rumbling of the engine as the wooden gates creaked open, slowly revealing the dangerous road ahead of them. Sucking in a deep breath, Namjoon pressed his foot against the accelerator, leaving the safety of the camp walls and entering into a territory he had not stepped foot in since very long ago. His nerve wracking thoughts were soon disrupted however by the sound of Taehyung's low voice from the back of the van. 

"I guess it's best if I give you the run down now." he paused, "You know, before we hit the city."

Jungkook turned to face Taehyung, crossing his legs on the floor, "The run down?" he spoke, cocking his head to the side as he listened to Taehyung's words. 

Taehyung simply rolled his eyes, taking his back off the wall, "Yeah. There are a few things you've gotta be careful of in the city." Taehyung held up three fingers, "Three to be exact." he explained, earning a raised brow from Namjoon seated in the front seat. The silence was a signal for Taehyung to continue, "First of all, are the buildings." he started, eyes trailing out the window, "Their structures have been weakened over the years. Glass breaks, stone crumbles and platforms fall. We've gotta be really careful when traveling around them." he said, pausing before he continued, "Second is the infected of course. There are more clickers in the city then runners, mostly because they've had time to move to a higher stage of infection from lack of human contact. Hordes are also hidden within abandoned buildings, so we can't get too close." he explained. 

Namjoon could feel Tessa tense in the seat beside him. She had never been anywhere near the city, so this was an entirely new experience for her. 

"Last, but definitely not least is the rebel groups." Taehyung spoke. 

Everyone in the room either flinched or went wide eyed with the mention of rebel groups. Jungkook shook his head, "Hold up... rebel groups live in the city!?" he exclaimed, leaning forwards towards Taehyung. 

Taehyung bit his lip as he gave a nod, "Unfortunately. I'm sure Hoseok has run into them before, it's part of the reason why the city is so dangerous." he trailed on. 

Namjoon gripped the steering wheel tightly in his hands, "They're just a bunch of sick minded people making fun of the dire situation at hand." he said, anger laced throughout his voice as his eyes remained glued to the dimly lit dirt road ahead of him. 

Tessa sighed, 

"Lets just hope we avoid the trouble."


{Author Note}

This book is about to get crazzzyyy! Sorry for the short chapters, the others will be a lot longer ;)


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