Day Zero: Jimin

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Time had begun to dissolve into itself, as shapeless as the rain falling softly outside. Jimin may have been the top student, but that didn't necessarily mean he liked to study. Jimin tiredly flicked his pen between his fingers, watching as the object spun around and around until he fumbled the rotation. 

'Please, anything to get out of class right now would be helpful,' Jimin thought to himself burying his head in his arms as he drowned out the teachers lecture. 

"fuck, Fuck, FUCK!"

Jimin's ears perked up as he rose his head from his arms, turning his attention to the blue haired male stressing out at the back of the classroom, Kim Taehyung. Jimin watched on silently from the front of the classroom as Taehyung stared down fearfully at the illuminated screen of his phone, panic evident in his actions as he grabbed the black hoodie from the back of his chair and slid out from his desk, dashing to the classroom door, "I... I-I have to go!"

And just like that, Taehyung was out the door, flimsy white cotton t-shirt caught up in the wind as he ran out into the hallway. 

Jimin found his body acting entirely on its own as he rose to his feet, gaining the attention of the already-pissed-off teacher in front of him. "Miss, allow me to follow-"

"That's all right Jimin," The teacher reassured, "Taehyung can face the consequences when he returns to school."

Letting out a dejected sigh, Jimin fell back into his chair continuing with his studies. 

Something wasn't quite right here, not at all. 

Taehyung was a familiar name at Bighit high. You were practically an idiot if you didn't know who he was. Kim Taehyung was the leader of the local gang in the area, he wasn't the kind of person to mess around with and he was certainly someone who never broke his cool. 

But why was it that Taehyung looked so fearful in that moment? If he doesn't even loose his stance over deadly fights, what could have triggered him so badly? To be honest it was making Jimin worry himself. 

In no time, the bell for second period rang. Jimin collected his notes scatted over the wooden surface of his desk and left the classroom. 



Kicking his right leg forwards with pointed toes and flexed muscles, the blonde haired male pivoted in a revolving whirl of sharp precision and accurate grace. He breathed in the music and exhaled it with the flow of his body. Jimin began advancing in movement with absolute precision and control with each poised stride he took. 

It was perfect.

"It's perfect Jimin!" 

Jimin finished with one final leap before he turned to the small female cross legged in the corner of the dance studio, eyes drawn to Jimin's gracefulness. 

"Thanks Daisy." Jimin kindly smiled, holding out a hand. Daisy chuckled as she took ahold of Jimin's hand, curly chestnut hair bouncing as she jumped to her feet. 

"Ready for our partner dance?" Jimin asked, already moving his hands to her waist

Daisy simply smiled as she snaked her hands up to his shoulders, "Sure am." and just like that, they both began to move in perfect harmony to the music. As they floated across the dance floor Jimin found himself studying her features. 

She was the essence of summer, a goddess of the sun. Her golden brown hair draped softly down her back, curling along the ends. Every time she danced her smile never faded. She was like a siren leading everyone to sudden happiness. The beauty within her ocean blue eyes and her small freckles that crinkled when she smiled. 

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