Chapter Thirty-Nine

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{a walk down memory lane}

With tired and aching feet the squad dragged there exhausted and shivering forms up the steep road of the city. The only thing they were seemingly thankful for was that the brief rainstorm had passed, the golden rays of the sun emerging through the clouds that lay overhead. The road was a steep slope upwards with a flat rocky top slowly coming into view. To one side, there was eroded cars littering the pavements, to the other, rubble from the crumbling buildings surrounding them. The grass grew thick and coarse in-between the cracks of the path, but was ignored by the squad passing by. 

Running a hand through his rain washed hair, Hoseok sucked in a sharp breath of air, letting it fill his lungs before he huffed it back out again, "We're almost there." he groaned, lips parted as he paused to take in another breath, "Just over this god damn hill." he announced earning a sigh of relief from the blue haired male behind him.

"Thank god!" Yoongi exclaimed, slightly picking up his pace at the good news. Combat boots falling over the road as small speckles of water splashed up with every step the male took. Puddles lay dormant in potholes, the reflection of the newly found sun almost blinding as they weaved their way around them. The group could've been moving at a faster pace, but they were still wary of Jungkook's condition, even though the brunette assured them he was completely fine. 

After an exhausting uphill ascent, the squad reached the final push. Letting out a huff, Hoseok led the group forwards, boots landing firmly against the concrete below him as he climbed over the crest of the hill, a new scenery coming into view at the very top. 

It was breathtaking. 

Hoseok's eyes widened before softening to the view that stretched out before him. Before he even realised it, he had come to look at a nostalgic country road leading into a small old town in the distance. He rocked back on his worn heels, hands dug deep in his jean pockets as he cast weary eyes into the wintery breeze. 

"It's home."

The grey of the stern city buildings fell away with the newly found view of the country side. Shuffling up beside Hoseok a small and almost sombre smile crept its way across Jimin's lips as his eyes cast themselves over the land. The trees that were magnificent in the sunshine towered over the country road, and the rolling hills of the land glowed orange under the rays of the autumn sun. Jimin smiled as if he could still hear the laughter of children as they ventured through the forests with new memories of the woodland, infused with the sound of the streams so full after rain. It was only after his eyes had landed upon the breathtaking sight did he exhale, "Come on." he breathed, turning towards the starstruck squad behind him, all of them seemingly taken aback by the familiar view before them. Jungkook, Hoseok and Namjoon were frozen in place wide eyes scanning over the land before them. Freckles crinkling against her cheeks, Daisy wore the biggest smile in contrast to Taehyung who simply shrugged it off. But Jimin didn't fail to catch the small twitch at the corner of his lips threatening to transform into a smile.

Jimin chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair, 

"Lets go."


An almost haunting sense of nostalgia swept its way across the squad as they made there way down the lone country road and into the little town they had all grown up in. As the familiar town began to form around them, they found themselves walking all the more slowly to take in the scenery. 

Everything remained untouched since day zero, the only differences being the new abundance of plant life forming over the old brick buildings. Vines weaved their way in-between the cracks of brick walls, grass split through the footpaths and flowers began to bloom across the town. Casting his eyes over the familiar sight, Namjoon realised how run down the town centre now appeared to be, buildings bleached by the sun while others had been forgotten and left to crumble. 

To their left, the old town milk bar appeared. It was a store that sold candy, little sweets that had a taste of soap, white chocolate and fizzy cola bottles. You could serve yourself in little scoops to white paper bags and steal a few if you were good enough. Jimin found himself smiling as he recalled all the times he had stolen candy with his friends, almost being caught one time and having to stumble out of the store in fear of being hit across the head by a mad old lady. Resting his eyes over the store he noticed the front windows were now shattered, the old cherry red door faded and chipped away at the corners. 

Continuing through the town centre Hoseok found himself frowning at the building they were passing by. It was the old cafe, the same cafe he had invited Namjoon to on the day of the outbreak. Pausing in his tracks Hoseok's expression softened at the sight of a single coffee mug sitting on top of an outside table. It lay untouched and unmoving as time passed it by. It was the same table Hoseok had sat upon, the same mug he had drunk from. Hoseok chuckled, a bitter chuckle as he ran a hand through his orange hair, "I should've asked for chocolate syrup that day." Next to him, Namjoon frowned before placing a warm hand of reassurance on Hoseok's shoulder. 

"It's okay Seok," he smiled, a sombre smile as his eyes turned away from the cafe, "Maybe we can catch up for a coffee in the future." 

Hoseok smiled, eyes softening under his bangs, "Yeah, lets do that." Patting Hoseok on the back Namjoon reassured the male before he continued to walk forwards. 

The squad moved on through the rugged country streets, pausing every once in a while to soak up the nostalgia of the buildings surrounding them. Yoongi found his breath slowing as he brushed past the old police station, and Daisy and Jimin almost went numb as their eyes cast themselves over the old dance studios in the street across. It was almost haunting seeing how much humanity had lost in the span of four years. 

Shaking everyone from their trance, Hoseok decided it was best to speak up, "Lets not drop our guards too quickly." he began to explain, slowing almost to a stop as he made himself heard, "We need to be extra careful now that Delta is still on our trail."

"I agree." Jin sighed, placing a hand on his hip, "It may seem like we've succeeded, but one wrong move and we could all be dealing with a serious disaster."

Jin wasn't wrong. They may've made it through the challenges of the city, but they still needed to be on high alert until they made it to the government research lab at least. So turning on their heels they trekked forwards down the dirt road, 

Towards the science lab.


{Author Note}

Sorry that took so long! I hit some writers block but I'm back in business now! Sorry if the past two chapters have been a little rushed, the first book is almost over so once the second book comes out I'll be editing this one.

Thanks for all your support guys, I really mean it xox

Update Tomorrow 

(VERY Unedited)

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