episode 25 Irritated Kidnappers

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HopHopHop Town

The gang finally arrived at HopHopHop Town looking up at the skyscrapers with amazement.

"Arnold!" a woman said embracing Ritchie by mistake.

"Arnold?" the said.

"Oh Arnold I was so worried about you!" the woman said continuing to hold Ritchie.

"I'm not Arnold lady! So can you please let go of me?!" Ritchie yelled.

The woman let him go and apologized, "Oh! I'm so sorry I thought you were my son! He's been missing along with the other children."

"Missing children?" Ash questioned.

She nodded, "All of the children suddenly disappeared my son Arnold being one of them."

"Children gone missing..." Brock thought out loud.

Just then Officer Jenny pulls up and put up another missing child poster making her feel sad.

Brock went into flirt mode, "Oh Officer Jenny, please don't have that sad look on your face your face is too beaut-" he was cut off by having his ear pulled by Misty.

"If she stays around you her mood will definitely get worse." Misty said dragging him away by the ear."

Ritchie sweat-dropped, "Moron."

Sparky nodded in agreement.

Molly looked at Ash in concern, "Big brother?"

Ash was staring at the wanted poster and thought of his own mother, "Why don't we help solve the mystery?"

Everyone looked at him then nodded their heads in agreement.

Now then, let's solve the mystery shall we?

Pokemon Center

It turns out that the children had been missing for three days according to Officer Jenny. She's tried to find a suspect but everyone in town has an alibi, not ones to give up they went to the pokemon center and asked Nurse Joy if she knows anything but she told them something else that might be related to the mystery.

"All of the pokemon here in the center lost all their energy three days ago around the same time the children went missing." She explained.

Ash had a thought, "So this all started when the pokemon here in the center started losing their energy then after that happened the children here also went missing."

"That can't be coincidence." Misty said.

Brock nodded, "This is definitely connected to the missing children, but what could it all mean?"

"Nothing good." Ritchie said.

"What a mystery." Molly said.

Teddiursa nodded.

Just then Officer Jenny hip started beeping, "Another sleep wave!"

"Sleep wave?" Misty questioned.

Jenny nodded, "I've been tracking them ever since they started entering the city. Let's go."

Having left the pokemon center they tracked the source of the sleep waves to the roof of an enormous skyscraper.

"This is where the signals coming from." Jenny said.

Stepping off the elevator they see a huge mansion at the end of the walkway.

Ritchie and Brock nod to each other and bust the door down making Ash wince.

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