30 - ᴛᴇɴsᴇ

619 24 14

ryan: what happened spill the tea

chris: I stopped them before it goes into a fight

ricky: dude why did you do that we love fights

me: shut the fuck up about this

devin: what happened????

vinny: why did you need to keep everyone aware chris

chris: sorry man I like drama

ryan: come on spill that shit I wanna know what happened

me: can't you guys just mind your fucking business

ryan: a bitch is mad af

devin: she's gonna bite

vinny: she's right smh

me: don't even talk to me you

ricky: OUCH

chris: lmao that shit must've hurt

devin: the bitch is salty

ryan: a soldier fell

ricky: she's being rude but in two days they're gonna fuck like nothing happened

devin: this is getting interesting

ryan: not wrong LMAO

chris: guys stop about that lmao

chris: that's some private shit

ryan: chris come on lmao

me: I hate everyone of you. literally.

I left the chat and threw my phone at the other side of the living room.

-Why the fuck would you throw your phone at the other side of the room ? Alex asked me frowning.

-Fuck off, I said going upstairs to shower.


I took my phone back and looked at it.

Ryan added me back to the groupchat and they spammed it. I read it.

devin: did we hurt her ?

vinny: as if she had feelings

ryan: she has feelings for you you big ass cunt

vinny: yeah of course

ryan: don't act like you don't care lmao

ryan: just know that if you hurt her I'm gonna hurt you

ricky: hey hey hey calm down

devin: finally some fucking drama

devin: I'm kidding don't come for my ass

chris: this is getting a bit too far uh?

ricky: kinda

ricky: and vinny you better stop talking about not having feelings cause you sometimes really act like you don't have any

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