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Fake, green plants are collecting dust. They're everywhere, all throughout the kitchen. It's like a jungle in here. Some of the plants were abundant in artificial leaves, some in different coloured flowers, none were the same. Josh always compared them to his patients. He did surgery for all different kinds of people, mostly young girls. Josh would always tell Tyler about each patient he worked on. He'd talk about girls with botched faces while Tyler was eating.

His fork scrapes against the plate as Josh tells him about another surgery. Tyler's not listening, he never really does, just nods along. Sometimes Josh's stories were like movies he could watch over and over again and still be in love with; that's becoming rarer these days.

"And her lips were so badly done I almost cried. I just can't believe someone would-"

Tyler groans, "Josh I fucking hate scrambled eggs, you know that? I've told you a million times, sunny side up. Sunny side up, goddamnit! And look what's on my plate? Scrambled eggs."

Josh visibly freezes. Tyler doesn't regret what he said, even when Josh pouts.

"I'm sorry."

Tyler rolls his eyes, taking a drag from his cigarette. Josh stares at him, watches his every movement, eyebrows furrowed.

"Make your own fucking eggs for once." He grabs the other man's plate, smashing it against the floor.

Glass flies everywhere, food scattered across the floor. Tyler looks at him, wide-eyed, he's scared of him and Josh is scared of himself.

Josh swallows, grabbing his paperwork in a hurry, storming off to work.

"He's not gonna pick this shit up?" The ill-natured man spits. He's pissed, always has something to be mad about. Tyler and Josh, they were complete opposites. Tyler's rude, drama-seeking, entitled, an ego maniac. Josh is kind, selfless, he's gentle. Sometimes he wonders how they manage to make things work.

Tyler sighs, running his fingers through his hair. He's so tired of how fake everything and everyone is. He hated Josh for making people fake. He turned them into plastic for a living. Josh is so fucking fake on the inside it makes Tyler sick. That's why Tyler sets him off, trying to get some fucking emotion out of him.

"I want you to touch me. Bite me, feel my skin between your teeth," Tyler says," I want you to be so close. Want you to love me." He chokes, staring at Josh deeply. He feels tears brewing, excited to kiss his flesh. Tyler's so tired of tears kissing him; he wants Josh to.

"Just want you to love me again." The man whimpers, lips brushing against Josh's cheek.


Tyler shakes his head.

"You only want me sometimes. I wanna be what you want all the time."

Josh guides him down onto the bed. Kissing his tears away. He feels so cold, trying to stay in love with a man who couldn't keep him warm anymore. Josh's fingers are blistered, lips blue; he's freezing.

"Am I too ugly? Should I become plastic too? Is it too hard for you to look at me?"

Josh runs his fingers over Tyler's wrinkles, over the bumps in his skin.

"You're perfect."

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