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Dear Shu,

I noticed you looked a bit troubled today, as if you were struggling with what to do. You were like all day, I wanted to ask you what was bugging you. But when I asked you, you just shook your head and told me to not worry about it. 

It could be stress from studying and school work. But that's very unlikely, considering that you're top of each class that you're in.

It's the gossiping, isn't it? I have heard the whispers around the hallways, Shu. Around the courtyards, around the classroom. They try not to be heard, whispering all together quietly. It doesn't work.

Everyone's still caught up with the Free, you, me and Lui drama. While some people ship Free and Lui, there are still people wishing for their old, favorite couple. They say it's all your fault. It's not true at all. It is entirely Free and I's fault for liking somebody else and causing the relationship to fail.

All those people who gossip need to realize that they can't choose who we date. They need to wake up and concentrate on themselves for once. 

I wish you would tell me what's bothering you.





Word count: 197

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