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Thursday evening 

Dear Valt,

You know, I actually thought I had gotten over my childish crush on you and you dating Free. 

I was wrong.

Your kissing in the morning just made me even more heartbroken and convinced we weren't supposed to end up together. There was no tongue in your kisses, but they were so filled with passion and love my heart ached for something like that. From you. 

I ran. I ran away from the scene, and when you asked, I told you I had gotten sick of waiting for you and went to class early. It was a lie. I would never be sick of you, even if you hurt me. I was so distracted during class, not like how you were, but alert and twitchy. It was weird. 

Free seems triumphant over the fact that he's convinced that you're his. I won't lie, I'm pretty convinced as well. He won't stop boasting it, even after the incident at lunch. I wasn't the only one who fled from the scene. Apparently Lui did, too. Ran out of school by jumping over the fence. Guess he wasn't the only heart broken. 

But this time, I feel like it's slightly Free's fault. I was Free and Lui yesterday, chatting happily and Free seemed to be leading him on. Lui even hugged him, and I've never seen any PDA from him. Not going to lie, I did think once Free got over you he would ask out Lui. They've been close for years now. But now Lui's hopes are crushed. 

Just like my hopeless crush on you. 





Word count: 268

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