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Dear Shu,

I should probably apologize for my absence these past days. I just have so much on my mind. And by so much, I mean the problem. I've already found a solution, but I don't know. I just keep thinking about it! Something about the solution feels wrong! But then, what else could I possibly do?

Break up with Free and then date you? Definitely no. Too many holes in that plan. 

I feel like everyone in our group is a little mad at me. I'm so sorry. Free actually doesn't ask me to watch him train every day like Wakiya thought. Rather, I asked him if I could tag along in all the training sessions.

Why? I don't know. I guess I'm a little paranoid of anyone thinking that I have a crush on you. Gossip spreads like wild fire with girls. I don't need the whole school knowing. Also, I'm scared of how I react and look around you. Will I blush? Will my laugh sound all weird and giggly? Will I keep staring at you? 

I did hang out with you guys today for a short time, though. I admit, I missed everyone. And I can't neglect my other friends just because of my feelings. You all have done nothing wrong. It's just me. I tried so hard to act normal, I didn't act normal. Honcho confronted me about that after school. Instead of seeming normal, I was distant and quiet. Weird. I just told him math was getting tough. It was, after all.

I've been zoning out so much in class thinking about the problem and you and Free and back to the problem and then food and than you again. I barely focus on what we're learning any more. And after school, guess what happened? You actually bothered to ask me what was happening with me.

I was surprised, actually. I was touched that you actually noticed how I was feeling and that I wasn't acting normal. You cared.

I was going to reply that I was zoning out because of all of the math homework pressure and the reason why I wasn't there often at recess and lunch was because I get to get food at Free's training session. That actually is true. However, Free interrupted me. 

I don't know why that part seems so negative. Like Free is some sort of villain. Maybe it's because of his reply. He said I had to hang out with him and his group of friends from basketball, the Big Five.

Everyone in the Big Five is really popular. They all have fan girls following them around. Free made it seem like I was abandoning you guys. I promise, Shu, it isn't like that. Xander and I aren't even on talking terms. 

But you actually looked like you believed him. I feel so bad. Have I ignored you and everyone else to make that lie seem believable? I have, haven't I?

Well, tomorrow's the sleepover. I'm so excited, and maybe I can smooth everything out then.


Valt <3



Word count: 507

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