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© 2014 by Mpule Clarke/cheeky_gurl

Chapter 20


The world is passing me by and I can feel it but I just can't feel anything. Mouths are moving, lives are passing me by. Time is passing me by. I am infection to the world. Infectious as it may be it can always be cured.

People are trying to tell me things but I. Just. Can't.







Faces blur past me as I walk out of the office rushing away with the day of freedom I finally got from my body guard and I intend to use that freedom to actually be free. People are asking me questions that I just can't process to even answer. Everyone is looking at me hoping for a response as I walk past them. I just... my breath hitches, pace quickens and so does my heartbeat; like a newly caged bird fighting to be free and untouchable. fighting to be limitless.

Inhale. Exhale. It's like a game, breathing, it plays with your heart, daring it to keep up with him. Mine tried so hard to keep up with everything else I don't think it can handle that silly game anymore. Inhale. My mother's beautiful hazel eyes flashes in my mind and my stomach flops. You're good Dawn.

I unlocked my car and got in closing the door behind me softly. My head is pressed up against the wheel and I just breathe for the while first brokenly but then calmly at the thought of being blue. Inhale. Exhale. Blink. When I open my eyes they land on my phone that is tightly clutched in my hand and I smile softly at it before I dial a number. Voice mail.

"I'm sorry," I breathed into the receiver and a tear rolled down my cheek. Inhale  "I love you too."

I start the engine.


My pulse remains even the entire drive there and I have this unsettling feeling that I'm being followed.

Breathe Dawn.

My mother once told me stories.


About the characters always.


Being free.


I turn off the car and slowly open my door so the thick humid air of the forest can surround me. Breathe, Dawn. The summer camp is little over ten miles from here. Breathe, Dawn. My legs started moving forward. Towards the blue. My heart sped up. No one cares. No one will notice. My legs moved faster. No one cares. No one will notice. I was sprinting now and I'm close. So, so close. I can hear the raging water of the river falling endlessly onto the rocks at the bottom of the giant waterfall.

Inhale. My steps slow as the grass begins to get muddy and the white of the wide river is all I can see all I focus on.

Exhale. I am still.

Blink. I take one step closer.

Just breathe Dawn. One. Last. Time.

I turn around and take on step backwards. I open my eyes to the blue, embrace it's presence as if it were part of me. It's never moving as I fall sharply, the wind rushing past my ears.

My mother's face is all I see when my side hits a rock and sends rapid shots of pain through my body. But I barely noticed. The water was thrashing me around, slamming me into the rocks and invading my lungs. But I didn't care anymore. I squeezed my eyes shut and suddenly felt my whole body relax.

I am blue.

I am infinite.

I am untouchable.

I am free.

Dawn On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara