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 © 2014 by Mpule Clarke/cheeky_gurl

Chapter 16


I felt my phone buzzing under my arm. I wasn't asleep but it seemed to wake me up. The bright screen illuminated the darkness and when I checked the time it was 12:01 a.m. on the dot.

Daniel: Happy birthday!! :D

I narrowed my eyes at the screen before turning down the brightness. Strange.

Me: How do you know it's my birthday.

Me: Creep.

I never told him my birthday. It never came up anyway.

Daniel: Roxanne told me... doing anything later?

I locked and unlocked my phone about ten times before I even thought of a reply. What would I tell him.

Me: Just dinner with my aunt.

I left out Roxy and Maia so he took it as a family thing.

Daniel: Oh. Do you want to go out for lunch?

Me: I'm actually feeling quite contagious, it's for the better.

I actually have to finish packing.

Daniel: Okay... well, happy birthday!

I put my phone facing upwards on the nightstand and wait for the light to die out.

"Here's to new beginnings and success," Roxy smiled at all of us as she raised her glass in a toast.

"Here, here!" I mumbled it.

Aunt Vydia and Roxy were in deep conversation about legalizing marijuana. For or against I had no idea and I didn't want to.

"Where's Daniel?" Maia asked casually eyeing the menu "Thought aunt Roxy said he's coming."

"Oh, he's. Um," I bit my lip looking at my empty glass "He's sick, said he can't make it."

She just eyed me but didn't question.

Two courses later Roxy suddenly turns her attention to me.

"So, Dawn," Roxanne smiled at me "What's the first thing you're going to do when you land?"

"Jump off of a bridge," She laughed at that but I wasn't joking, I played it off anyway.

"I doubt the work will be that stressful," Maia rolled her eyes smiling.

I just raised my eyebrows quickly and smiled at them. I could feel my aunts eyes on me the entire time. She knew I was being serious and I didn't dare glance in her direction.

Dinner went well and as we parted ways my aunt met my eyes and she just shook her head at me with a grave look on her face. Like if you care.

I don't know why, but sitting here on the airport gave me a sense of dejavu. Sitting here I half expected Daniel to be a movie star and run up to me panting and admitting that he really is my Daniel-he is and I knew it when he said that Roxanne told him it was my birthday. If Roxanne told him that then she would've invited him to dinner herself. But, this is reality, it didn't happen before and it won't happen again.

I hesitated when I heard my flight number and the gate.

The air hostess smiled at me.

One last time.

Dawn Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora