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© 2014 by Mpule Clarke/cheeky_gurl

Chapter 18

Chapter 18


"Would you like some tea Ms. Sen?" I flinched at Jan, thehouse keeper. I wasn't accustomed to her anymore, she was the same one when my parents were alive.

"No thank you," I waved her off and made my way across the pointlessly huge foyer to the living room. It was like nostalgia, the first step I made in this house when I got here was like nothing ever happened here. No memories. No family. Just a big empty house. But as soon I walked into the kitchen it was like someone drove a speeding train over my heart. It was the last place my mum was in this house.

It's been three days since I got here and I haven't gone near the kitchen or my parent's bedroom... or my brother's. I don't even have the strength to be depressed. My head's been killing me lately and my body just hurts so much. I don't want to go to the hospital because the last time someone I knew that went to the hospital left with their eyes closed... Shuddering I lay myself down on the couch and let my body relax. Forced it really, I can't bring myself to relax know what memories this place held.

My first sleep over with Emma and Rebecka-that was after when I'd learnt we lived in the same area and that we went to the same school-we stayed up all night watching 'Mean Girls' and Tons of Disney movies, we even read line between Michael and Mia from 'The Princess Diaries' . I wish it can be like that again. Back before my Dad and brother died, when I actually had people who cared about me. You still do Dawn. No. I don't. What does it matter if I live? The only thing I've got going for me is this company that I honestly had no interest in running.

The door bell buzzed and I heard Jan's heels clacking towards the front door. My pulsed quicken and I wanted to cower up the stairs but I couldn't my body went rigid, struck with terror as I heard the voice of the guest. Tears threatened me as the foot steps grew near. I wanted to puke. Disappear. Run. Die. Anything but be here.

"Ms. Sen, Rebecka is here to see you."

Just hearing her name caused tears to prickle in my eyes and my body to shudder in fear. I can't... I just... I was in too much physical pain to deal with more emotional pain right now. I couldn't do anything but listen to Jan's foot steps fade away.

"So," my spine grew straight at the sound of her clear melodic voice "Heard you were back Dawn."

My voice was stuck in my throat but it didn't matter because I couldn't piece anything together. She called me Dawn. It was a strange thing to hear from that voice.

"Guess you're alive," she said with scoff and I took a long blink. When I opened my eyes she was stood right in front over me, towering over me looking down with an amused, disgusted look on her face that made me flinch internally.

"Well," she raised an eyebrow "Barely at least. See you around slut, I've got better things to do. I just wanted to see you for myself," She smirked then turned around to leave.

Dawn Where stories live. Discover now