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Dedicated to morbidsucre- for the gorgeous banner ♥♥

For the Watty Awards 2014 :) please give it a chance and support

© 2014 by Mpule Clarke/cheeky_gurl

Chapter 1


8:05 a.m. that was the time when I checked my watch while walking through the automatic doors of the hospital, I was ten minutes early. I smoothed my shirt and walked up to the receptionist desk and smiled at Roxanne; my theoretical foster parent, I've known her since I was in my mother's womb.

She was chatting with a few nurses I didn't recognise so I quietly said "Hi," and leaned against the cold marble counter-top. I didn't even notice that I was tapping nervously on the counter when Roxanne whacked my knuckles with her pen, my head shot up immediately and my eyebrows furrowed, Roxanne feverishly shook her head.

"Silly girl," she said smiling at me, her hazel eyes cloudy and her accent wavering "Never show nervousness on your first day!"

Was she being over dramatic? Nope, not even, that's her 'helpful advice mode'.

"You do not want to be a door mat," she continued, still shaking her head. Her mass of light curly hair started to undo its bun on top of her head. She wasn't much older than me, twenty-seven for the most and her skin was a shade or two darker than olive. I think she's Creole or something, maybe French.

"Oui ma mere!" she pointed out the line for me to sign in and she glared playfully.

"Are you in the nursery or the children's ward?" Her eyebrows rose as she asked this and I sighed.

"Neither, I got assigned to Dr. Olen," a smile lit up her face and I grimaced. Dr. Olen dealt with stiches and minor surgeries, which meant a lot of blood on my part.

"You should get some breakfast at least," she says shifting her attention back to the monitor on the counter.

"Hey!" she called after my nerve-wracked retreating self "It'll be okay... just trust."

I just sighed and walked away.

Oh my Lord.

This old lady in front of me has been here trying to decide what to get for  eight minutes... literally it's 8:15 now, which means I have fifteen minutes to order and eat before Dr. Olen goes bonkers with pages- I curse the day the hospital gave me the maniacal device.

Impatiently running my hand over my face, I casually turned to see who was behind me, about four people, the first three I recognised easily.

There was Mrs. Greene who was recently widowed and her son was in a coma for about three months now, he was in my Math class, he was nice enough but his mother was a lovely woman who just looked tired all the time. Then there was the really sweet old man I met last year when I was assigned to the geriatric ward and Emily, the eight year old realist who was one of the nurses' daughters.

All of them gave me small smiles that I didn't return. I meant to, but the stranger caught my eye and I gritted my teeth as he smiled smugly at me I was about to give him a dirty look when the cashier rudely cleared her throat.

I would've flipped her off if she wasn't who she was. Maia, Roxy's god-daughter from New York, She had the whole model physique going for her, tall, slender and gorgeous whereas I was short, fat and ugly. Instead my face broke into a full on grin, wow, it was the first time I genuinely smiled in a while.

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