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 © 2014 by Mpule Clarke/cheeky_gurl

Chapter 15


The reason I hang around hospitals so much is because it's the last scenery my family had. I guess it's nice to see what they saw before they saw nothing.

It's around six a.m. and I'm so hungry it's ridiculous and what's even more ridiculous is the fact that the only thing it has to eat is ketchup, mayo, mustard, salad dressing, mouldy cheese and the cake I baked the other day. I went for the latter, grabbing onto the cold pan I slid it out with both hands.

It happened so fast. The pain in my joints were so sharp I dropped the cake and my knees buckled taking me down with it. I could feel the cold of the tiles on my cheek but my vision was gone.


I didn't notice my 'friends' were avoiding me until Daniel popped my bubble when he hugged me because it was today that I realised I was on my own.

I didn't notice that when I walked into the cafeteria it got eerily quiet, until today. I was halfway me but more than not. I didn't notice that I haven't spoken to or eat with my friends until just now.

When I walked up to the table there eyes landed on me. Sharp. But sharpest of all was Rebecka. I could feel the glare rip through me.

"Why are you so suddenly interested in us?" she said calmly but here eyes said otherwise.


"'I...' what?" she sneered and Emma and Anna were silent but I could feel them agreeing with her "You think you're better than us or something?"

I didn't even bother trying. I just took a long blink willing myself not to cry. Is this what they really thought? Wow.

"You think because your parents die you get everything instantly?" she cackled harshly and loudly gathering the attention of the surrounding tables and passersby.

I felt my face getting hot.

"Oh Paki," she cooed "If only you knew you had to be eighteen."

Annacoughed and Emma stared at her salad. I searched their stoic faces for any emotions but the avoiding my eyes like the plague.

"Guess you found out," she smirked at me "Huh?"

That's when I knew I'm on my own.


"She going to be alright?" My aunt's voice sounded distant.

"Yeah," Roxy sighed "She just dehydrated."

Roxy? Dehydrated?

My eyelids were heavy and it took me about five minute to get them halfway open. My vision was distilled and blurry at first but then the bright light caused my eyes to close again. When I opened them again I sat up and it was like I've been hit by a truck. My whole body was in pain. Then my eyes shifted around my room to the door, to Roxy and aunt Vydia. I have no idea how the two tiny women managed to get me up those stair and into my room. Then again I was told I was no heavier than a large Chihuahua. I didn't get that, because I was on the fat side.

I tried to swallow but my throat was tight, dry and aching and my salivary gland seemed to be dead.

"Can I at least have a glass of water," my voice was soft and raspy. It hurt to talk. It hurt to move.

Roxy sighed and nodded and Aunt Vydia told her where to find the glasses.

The silence between us was long and awkward she was pointedly avoiding my eyes. Roxy's foot steps could be heard coming up the stairs Vydia's eyes flitted to mine and for the first time I saw fear and concern.

"I notice."

It was barely a whisper. I didn't get to pry because Roxy made her way over to me handing me the glass and petting my head tenderly. Vydia turned and stalked away.

"I'll see you and your aunt tomorrow alright?" she kissed the top of my head before telling me to get some rest. She was gone now and I was so occupied at the hospital I totally forgot about Roxy's going away dinner for me. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't tell Daniel.

I'm such a coward.

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