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© 2014 by Mpule Clarke/cheeky_gurl

Chapter 5


"Don't you get tired of it Olen?" I asked the aging doctor absentmindedly twirling my fork around in my cold noodles. I was too lazy and feeling too antisocial to go out and eat, I guess it was a side effect of subsiding depression. That is, if it was subsiding.

"Mmm?" she hummed back with her mouth full of whatever it was she was eating- it sort of looked like rice but I couldn't be sure.

"The blood thing?" My attention was fully on her and my eye brows furrowed unintentionally "how do you deal with it?"

She shrugged like if it wasn't a big deal but I didn't need to mention that it was because the way that she looked at me I guess it was written on my face. It is a big deal. Losing blood is a big deal. It signifies how close you are to death but still very much living. It reminds you that you are mortal and you can be hurt. You can be broken. It's a reminder that you can't live forever and you can't do things that hurt you and go undamaged.

I shuddered and shook off the thoughts, I think I'm going crazy...

"You can't get tired of it when you are helping to heal it," she gave me a soft smile that barely reached her eyes and I bowed my head paying full attention to my lunch.

"Hi," I heard an accented voice ask from the examination room "Dr. Olen, is Dawn here?"

I sucked in a breath and held my cheeks as I felt my stomach drop and burn- a feeling I'd recently come to remember.

"Yeah, She's in the back." I heard a female voice respond.

Dr. Olen had me filling out paper work for the past hour after lunch since she realised how touchy blood was for me.

"Hey," the soft voice sang through my ears and down into my stomach "what's that you got there?"

"This?" I looked down at the stacks of old records I had to type over and bit my lip "um, I guess this is Olen's way of apologising for having me exposed to so much blood..."

"You don't like blood?" He raised an eye brow at me.

I had my speculations of him over the past few days, either he's a really good actor or he's just not my Daniel.

I coughed to hide the delay "Nah, it's just.. I'm just squeamish," stumbling I met his eyes to reassure him "That's all."

A heart beat and typed name later.

"You.. do.. are you free tonight?" He stuttered out making my ear get warm.

"Um," looking up from the computer screen slowly meeting his eyes and I also noticed that his face was flushed and his eyes were lowered, settled on the desk.

"Cause if you're not it's totally fine!" he said quickly after noticing my silence.

"No... no, I'm not really doing anything," I bit my lip because I had no idea where this was going.

"Great! Then I can honour you with my presence and an awesome date," smirking at me I rolled my eyes at him.

"But," he stretched the 'but' "I don't have your number, so if you'd kindly,"

I gave him a sheepish grin and my insides twisted, it twisted like the first time my Daniel told me he loved me.

I remembered that night.

Dawn Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum