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 © 2014 by Mpule Clarke/cheeky_gurl

Chapter 17


This tiny apartment  is torture. It's four a.m. and the air-conditioning is busted so I'm laying in bed flipping through the television trying to limit my movement. This is useless. I flopped onto my stomach letting the remote fall to the floor. I hope it's not broken, I really didn't want to walk up to the television and manually change the station.

I wonder what Dawn's up to.

"New blood in the business world," The voice of a familiar British news reported sounded through the speaker. Ugh the news.

I stretch my hand for the remote but it seemed to have slid under the bed. Bloody hell. It's dark and dusty below the bed and the only thing is felt was dust bunnies and cob web. My hand finally touched the edge of the smooth plastic when the reported was droning on about some recent events.

"I'm Anthony Richards and we're here in London, at the main Sen headquarters..." Um, what? I slid the remote from under the bed and turned up the volume "Here we can see the fresh young owner Dawn Sen entering the building where she will be taking over and conquering the world of cars. Back to you Samantha." I caught a glimpse of Dawn's short hair that seemed to be neatened, by some professional I bet, before  the broadcast was swapped back to their headquarters.

"Bloody fucking hell Dawn," I laughed humourless at the irony of it all. I started throwing all of my stuff together as quickly as possible.

"What the fuck do you mean I can't get a flight until twelve bloody hours?!" I bellowed at the lady behind the counter "It's five a.m.!"

"I'm sorry sir but all the flights are full for the next twelve hours," she said in her monotone voice trying to sound polite. She was probably here all night dealing with rude people and I wasn't making things any better.

"Please," I said in a softer tone and she sighed tiredly "Please."

"Please have a seat sir," she said resigned.

I would've called my parents had I not told them that I was never coming back. Mum flipped out and dad was silent, he knew I wouldn't last. He was right. I needed them more than anything right now. Slumping in the plastic chair I dialled my father's office and prayed for the best.

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