Chapter 16: Extraction

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I apologize for keeping you waiting, but life has been crazy with my new baby sister! 😁

"I don't understand it! One second, I have their location and the next, it's gone!" Ratchet grumbled, typing furiously at the base's main computer in the control room to try and repin the location of the Decepticon warship, the Nemesis. Jazz, Ironhide, Bee, Optimus, and several other bots were either waiting for Ratchet to open the groundbridge or were in the next room training. Jazz, however, was pacing back and forth in the control room, his entire posture was tense with worry. No telling what the cons were doing to Mackie right now! Ironhide, Nate, Amy, and Sideswipe glanced at each other then back to Jazz.

"I never - seen 'em - like dis- before," Bumblebee spoke via radio.

" I think he finally lost his cool," Sides muttered to Amy. Jazz turned around and scowled at them; startling the four.

"Ah CAN hear ya, ya know!!!" Jazz snapped his baby blue visor now a very dark shade of blue. He ignored Optimus' scowl and returned to pace when Ratchet yelled in frustration.

"Stupid earth technology! Where's Nate when you need him?" he growled, continuing to type. Amy looked at all the bots; the amount of intensity in the room was killing her. She glanced at Sides before leaving the room and sitting outside against the wall to breath for a minute. She pushed her blue hair out of her face and fidgeted with her silver bracelet. Sideswipe had given it to her a day after they first met. Nate also had one, but it was a keychain with the Autobot insignia that Bumblebee had given him. Sides had told her that the insignia on the bracelet was a special sort of tracking device, one that could only connect to-

"OH MY GOSH WE'VE BEEN STARING THE LOCATION IN THE FACE!!!!" Amy screamed jumping up and running to Jazz, which may have not been the best idea. He was fighting with Ratchet, saying stuff like 'you're not trying hard enough'. It took A LOT of screaming, but finally, Jazz saw her at his feet all winded from shouting.

"What is it Amy?" he grumbled, bring the blue-haired teen to his optic level.

"Y-you (pant) gave Mackie a-a necklace right" Amy gasped.

"Yeah, what about it?" Jazz asked.

"I have something like it, except its a bracelet! Sides gave it to me, saying it was a special tracking device that only he and Sunny could connect to. So if you gave one to Mackie, then-

"We could track her via Jazz," Sides finished, Bee nodding his head in agreement. Jazz's visor color softened as he gave Amy to Sideswipe. With Ratchet's approval, Sides and Amy showed Jazz how to operate the tracker and within 20 minutes and a butt load of typing, a solid moving location of the Decepticon warship was on the computer screen.

"Yes! Ya got her!" Amy cheered high-fiving Sides and Jazz's fingers. Optimus drew on his mask and nodded to Ratchet, who immediately opened the groundbridge.

"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus spoke, causing Crosshairs, Drift, Sides, Sunstreaker, Ironhide, Bumblebee, and Jazz to draw their weapons as they charged through the groundbridge and into the ship.

"Hell yeah! Boom time!" Ironhide said, firing up his canons and shooting the first drone he saw. Jazz drew his blaster and thought to himself as he put a steaming hole into another drone's chest.

"Hold on just a bit longer Short-stuff, we're comin' ta get ya!"


Mackie's world was nothing but pain. Slipping out of consciousness only to wake back up a second later laying in a pool of reddish-purple blood. Knockout was more concerned with Mackie's blood than keeping her alive, but she couldn't really blame him. Why was her blood turning purple and slowly getting lighter too? Her body was too weak to raise her head or push herself up off the cold, metal dissection table she was on. She could barely speak, having worn her voice out from screaming. Lights, dark color, and blurred visions of moving Cybertronians danced across her field of sight. The only faint relief was the cold metal on her burns.

"It's simply quite astonishing that you've survived that interrogation with Lord Megatron, fleshbag. I will say you do have a good deal of perseverance," Knockout said, not really caring whether Mackie survived or not.

"A-are you com-complementing me?" Mackie weakly bit back. Knockout rolled her onto her back and smirked. She couldn't really see much of him except for a big red blur.

"No. I could care less if you died on this table, but since Megatron wants you alive I just have to make sure you stay that way until he says otherwise," he replied, turning back to his work. A few minutes slipped by in silence when Breakdown burst through the sickbay door, causing Knockout to scream like a girl.

"Dude! There're Autobots on the ship!" he shouted, the second he spoke something hit him from behind, rendering him unconscious. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe stood behind him, swords drawn, and trained at Knockout.

"Sup bitch?" the twins said at the same time. Knockout sighed in annoyance.

"If there's one thing I hate more than a ruined paint job, its twins," he said, grabbing Mackie. "One wrong move, I kill h-" Knockout fell to the floor, paralyzed and Crosshairs nabbed Mackie before she hit the ground. The twins nodded and the three ran out of the room to Jazz and Optimus, who were fighting Thundercracker and Skywarp. Skywarp was furiously punching at Jazz, who dodged his every blow, saying that Mackie was his pet human. Jazz was fuming at that remark and punched Skywarp so hard, he fell to the floor.

"Oi Prime! We got 'er! But she's in really bad shape," Crosshairs shouted, shooting a drone.

"Understood! Autobots! Fall back!" Optimus spoke over the comm. All the bots ran to the retrieval point and on Prime's command, the groundbridge opened and everyone made it through. Upon getting back through and arriving at the base, Jazz rushed over to Crosshairs and looked at Mackie.

"Ratchet-" Jazz didn't have time to continue before Mackie began to scream.

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