Chapter 14: Ah Shit

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Once Skywarp had warpped away from the bots and landed on top of a hill, he threw Mackie into his subspace and began to warp from place to place again. This continued for the next hour and a half and Mackie hated every second of it. It felt like an oven in the dark, cramped space. She could barely move and was curled in a ball, almost suffocating. Not to mention the deafening bangs coming from the warp generator every time Skywarp, well, warpped! When he managed to land on the flight deck of the Nemesis, Mackie felt like she was going to die. Her body ached and was sore, almost bruised from the teleporting and her nausea was worse than ever. Imagine having your body torn apart on a cellular level and glued back together within a matter of seconds, not even getting a chance to breathe or process what was happening! He pulled Mackie out of his chest and the second she was out, all contents of her stomach poured from her mouth onto Skywarp's hand.

"AHHHHHH!!!! EWEWEWEWEW!!!!!!" He shrieked, roughly setting Mackie down and flinging the vomit off his hand. "That is disgusting!!!"

"Hehe, if I were you I'd wash that off before it corrodes your gears!" Mackie gasped, focusing on her breathing. Another girly shriek and a loud bang and Skywarp was gone, leaving her alone on the flight deck. Mackie slowly stood up, her insides still churning.

"I'm never complaining about groundbridging ever again," she muttered. She looked around; she was high in the sky and clouds and wind whipped by her, stinging her eyes and almost pulling on her hair. Knowing that the con would return, she slowly made her way to what she assumed was the nearest entry into the ship. She hoped maybe she would possibly find a groundbridge or an escape pod, or if she was desperate enough hijack something important and land the ship. When she got to the massive door, she was beyond annoyed to find that she needed to activate the pressure plates to open the doors.

"Curse Cybertronians and their heaviness!" she hissed, jumping up and down as hard as she could. Thank goodness no one could see her, 'cause she looked ridiculous! She backed up and made a running start to the pressure plates, but before she jumped the doors flew open. She ducked into a corner behind an arc as royal blue con and silver con walked right by and onto the flight deck. Mackie studied them from her dark hiding place then bolted inside the door before it closed, beginning her hunt for a groundbridge and a way to contact the Autobots.

If Mackie had decided to stick around on the flight deck a bit longer, she would've found out that the two cons were Thundercracker and Starscream. The two had felt through their trinemate bond that Skywarp had just arrived and have come to collect him and the human he hopefully had. They were extremely pissed when Skywarp came back from washing the vomit off his hand only to tell them he set the human down because she said the vomit would corrode his gears.

Guess who got a slap upside the head?

"YOU MORON!!!" Starscream yelled at his younger brother. Skywarp was pretty embarrassed and Thundercracker was just annoyed.

"Nevermind Sky's mistake, little brother," Thundercracker began, "What we should be doing is looking for that human before someone else finds her," Starscream growled but agreed and commed Knockout and Breakdown about the situation. Then the three brothers made their way back inside the ship, each hoping that this hunt for a human would be easy.


"What do you mean 'Mackie's been kidnapped'?" Ratchet scolded the bots. Ironhide, Crosshairs, Jazz, Bee, Drift, Sides, Sunstreaker, Amy, Nate, and Lennox had gotten into a heap of trouble when they came back without Mackie. Not just in trouble from Ratchet and Optimus, but from Agent Fowler as well. Wheeljack had been sitting quietly with Mirage as they listened to the ongoing discussion. Jazz has said many times that Skywarp said that it wasn't what his master needed with Mackie, it was what his brother needed.

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