Chapter 15: Bloodties

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Mackie couldn't believe it. Jillian Fitzgerald, her bully since freshman years and general pain in the ass, was captive of the Decepticons. If Mackie wasn't so confused, she would've been laughing at the amount of Karma that had hit Jillian square in the face! Jillian, however, looked happy to see her, if happy was the right word and it probably wasn't.

"Finally!" Jillian sneered at Mackie as she stood up. Mackie growled and crossed her arms at her.

"Finally, what? Do you get punched in the face? Because I'd be more than glad to help with that," Mackie hissed, raising her fist. Jillian scoffed and pushed her hair back.

"Finally, I can leave," Jillian snapped. Mackie laughed.

"You? Leave? Doubt it, but why are you here?"

Jillian looked at Mackie then turned to the Decepticons that were going about their business in the medbay.

"They thought I was you. That my social media was your social media, which is ridiculous! Just because your face covers two-thirds of my Facebook page doesn't mean my page is your page!" Jillian said, sounding upset. Mackie was quickly growing furious, and a little scared. What did Jillian say or do to the cons to trade places with Mackie? She stormed over to Jillian and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. Jillian startled from the sudden hostility from Mackie and stared into dark green eyes that were snapping with anger.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Mackie spoke, her tone spitting more venom than a snake. Jillian pushed herself away from Mackie and straighten her PJ shirt.

"I told them where you lived and in exchange, they'll let me go home, but I don't know why they bother with yo- "Jillian was cut off with a hard punch in the head, causing her to stagger back and fall on her butt. Jillian was in shock from the pain in the side of her head, and at the fact that someone had hit her. Something that had never happened to her before. Mackie felt her whole body burning with rage.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!" She screamed at her, causing Jillian to flinch.

"It's not that big a deal," Jillian cried, trying to defend herself, "They-


"Well, t-they already found you and left your family alone so," Jillian stuttered, now scared of Mackie.

"I was in California, they can still hurt my family!" Mackie growled not caring about mentioning she was in California, pushing a confused and terrified Jillian back and walking to the opposite corner. Mackie sat down as Knockout came over to the energon cube the two were in. He sneered at Jillian, who was now visibly shaking and grabbed her.

"A deal's a deal," he smirked, tossing her at Breakdown. Jillian screamed as she was thrown and let out a harsh grunt as Breakdown caught her. The wrecker transformed around her and drove into a waiting groundbridge, Mackie watching with vexed eyes. The minute the groundbridge shut off, Knockout grabbed Mackie and pinned her to the dissection table, his sharp finger cutting into her stomach. Mackie bit her tongue to stop herself from crying out.

"Aw, is the Autobot's little pet trying to play tough?" Knockout mockingly cooed.

"At least I don't make a big deal after getting a tiny scratch on me!" she snapped back. Knockout frowned and drug his finger across her stomach, slicing her shirt and cami, leaving a long, stinging cut. It wasn't deep, thankfully, but blood flowed steadily from it. Mackie winced as she was roughly grabbed and thrown back into the cube; air knocked out of her lungs and ribs more bruised than ever.

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