Chapter 10: The Ark

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A/n: Sorry for the slow updates, I have been incredibly stressed out lately! Thank you RazzieMbessai for this wonderful picture of me and Jazz!

Mackie sat uneasily in Jazz's shoulder as he walked down the halls of the Ark, making sure she had a good grip on his metal plates. Jazz looked up from his datapad and crooked his head toward Mackie. He chuckled at her intensity; to him, it was funny to see a young teenage girl constantly hoisting herself back up onto his shoulder as if she was climbing a slide backward. Mackie glared at him, still holding on.

"I don't like heights, Jazz! And your shoulder is incredibly slippery!" Mackie retorted. Jazz moved his hand to Mackie and she slid off his shoulder and into his palm as he continued walking. Mackie sat crossed-legged, a little unsure of this.

"Better?" queried Jazz.

"I don't know, ask me later," answered Mackie, turning herself to face forward. Jazz strolled into the control room and Mackie gasped; the room was massive and there were several bots, but one bot stood out the most to her. He was taller than the others and had a red and blue color scheme. Suddenly Jazz was attacked by a bot a tad bit shorter than him, this bot also had a yellow and black color scheme and gave Jazz a massive hug.

.: Jazz!! You're back:. Bumblebee shouted happily. Bumblebee lost his voice box a long time ago during the war and now uses beeps that are similar to morse code to speak, so to humans, Bee sounded like a fax machine but to the bots, he was talking normally. Mackie had to hold on to Jazz's fingers in a death grip so she wouldn't slide off his hand as the young scout hugged Jazz tightly.

"Glad ta see ya again Bee!" Jazz smiled, trying to lift Mackie out of the way. Bumblebee then noticed the injured human in Jazz's hand and began to panic.

.:Oh my Primus! I'm so sorry!:. Bee said nervously to Mackie, who just looked more confused than upset since all she heard was rapid beeping.

"Does someone speak something other than 'bleep'?" Mackie asked. Jazz laughed and repeated what Bee had said.

"Oh. It's okay, you didn't know. What's your name?" asked Mackie.

"His name is Bumblebee, best scout and friend on this side of the universe," smiled Jazz. Bee shrugged his shoulders, but Mackie could tell that he appreciated the compliment. The tall bot came over to the three and Bumblebee stood up a little straighter and Jazz straighten his posture too. The tall bot looked down at Mackie and spoke.

"Mackenzie, I trust you are faring well after your injuries?" asked Optimus. Mackie didn't know what to say for a second, everything about this bot screamed authority. His voice was deep and baritone and his cobalt optics shone with both kindness and seriousness.

"U-uh yes sir, I am. And just Mackie is fine," Mackie said.

Optimus nodded his head and turned to Bumblebee and just before he could say a word, a bright red vehicle sped into the room and drifted to a stop. Mackie grew wide-eyed at the sight of the car and leaned over Jazz's fingers to get a better look. It was a blood red Mansory Lamborghini Aventador lp700 4 and it looked brand new. Mackie's mechanic side began to kick in and she leaned farther over Jazz's fingers, completely ignoring her safety and fear of heights.

"Holy shit! A Lamborghini?!? That's awesome!" Mackie exclaimed. The car transformed and bot crossed his arms and grinned.

"Glad to finally meet someone other than my bro who appreciates a sexy car," Sideswipe grinned. Mackie smiled and stood up in Jazz's hand.

"I know a good-looking car when I see one," Mackie replied. A laugh was heard and Sideswipe cringed. His left chest plates opened and a girl popped out, laughing like crazy.

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