Chapter 5: Issues

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"So this is your shop?" Jazz asked as they pulled into Mackenzie's Auto Repair Shop. On the way to the shop, Mackie called her parents and told them she was taking her new car to the shop to try and fix it up a bit. Surprisingly, they agreed that this was okay, however, they said they would check on her occasionally. So for the time being, Mackie had the whole repair shop to herself.

"Yeah, well technically it's my dad's shop," Mackie said as she grabbed her backpack, got out of the driver's seat and went to the office. She tossed her bag on the desk and pulled out her jumpsuit and slipped it on. She rolled up her sleeves to her elbows and headed back out the garage, where thankfully, nothing has been trashed.


Mackie set about and began to get the things she thought she would need to fix the com-link thing. Jazz transformed into his bot mode, bashing his head on the ceiling as he did so. Mackie yelped and jumped at the noise, dropping her blue toolbox.

"You promised you wouldn't transform!" she yelled at Jazz, who took the com-link out of the side of his head and set it on the ground. Mackie instantly ran and closed the garage door, hoping that no one saw Jazz. She wondered why she was so worried about that happening, it wasn't like she cared for Jazz. In fact, she would have loved to get this alien robot away from her, even if it meant losing her car and getting 'A' pluses and crappy jobs again. Sighing to herself, she went back and picked up her toolbox and grabbed a nearby screwdriver and threw on her work gloves. She set her tools on the small parts table, which was where they kept small engine pieces, like spark-plugs and random nuts and bolts.

"You're lucky this place has a high ceiling, otherwise -ngh- my dad would kill me!" grunted Mackie as she moved the rather surprisingly heavy com-link onto the table.

"Ya mean to tell meh that earth parental guardians kill their own sparklings?" Jazz asked in a serious tone. Mackie gave him a 'seriously?' face.

"Not kill kill, like really yell at me," Mackie clarified. Jazz nodded his head as soon as Mackie told him what she meant. He shifted himself into a more comfortable sitting position, though it was hard for him to move. Mackie watched Jazz partly crawl and partly squat walk over to the table, groaning as he knocked stuff over.

"You really aren't making my job much easier," Mackie pointed out, shaking her head. Jazz sat down near the table, crossing his legs and partly ducking down to avoid the ceiling again.

"Sorry Shorty, but a bot's gotta move!"

"I got a name ya know! And it's NOT SHORTY!!" Mackie yelled, standing up.

"Is it Short Tempered?" Jazz replied, smirking. Jazz had a thing for teasing femmes, long before the war on Cybertron he would tease them. His friends called him Captain Flirt a few times, but the death glare Mackie had sent him kind of scared him a little. "Maybe Ah crossed a line," he thought.

Before Mackie could snap back at him, a knock came from the backdoor of the shop that Mackie and her dad and brothers went through when they opened up shop. Mackie felt her heart skip a beat, Jazz however transformed back into his car mode, filling the air with hissing and whirling of gears and hydraulics that Mackie had never really noticed before. Quickly Mackie covered the com-link with a rag and bolted to the door.

"Mackie? You in there?" her dad called. He opened the door and took in the scene; Mackie's car was right up against the table instead of on the car jacks, and spare parts and random odds and ends were everywhere. The place looked like a tornado hit it!

"Mackenzie," dad began, his face showing no emotion.

"Oh shit! Thanks a lot, Jazz ass!"

My Car's an Autobot!  {Jazz story}Where stories live. Discover now