Chapter 13: Training and Cons

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The one month of being grounded thankfully flew by pretty fast! Jazz often visited the Mackenzies house and got to know the family better. Chris and Mike had taught him how to play street hockey and Fulton had grown rather fond of Jazz and so did he. FJ asked Jazz questions about 'Ben', despite the fact the Mackie didn't like her little 11-year-old sister getting a crush on a giant alien robot. Surrender was a shy boy, so he didn't speak to Jazz much, but he liked him enough to ask him to play cars with him. Athena and Joshua would talk to Jazz and tried to see if maybe they could meet his parents, but he, fortunately, had come up with a somewhat believable excuse that he was home alone for the summer and his parents were traveling the world. Athena still pressed him for his mom's number at least, so Jazz gave her a false number that connected to his comm-link, but instead of hearing his voice, Mackie's mom would hear a middle-aged African-American woman's voice, but it would still be Jazz talking. Mackie thought that was a pretty smart idea, considering the fact that Athena likes to call people rather than text them.

When Mackie was (finally) allowed to leave the house, the first thing that happened was Jazz was ordered to bring her back to the Ark. Mostly by Ratchet, Ironhide, and Lennox. Mackie held back a complaint and her nausea as they arrived on base because the first thing that happened after Jazz transformed, Ratchet came over to Mackie and took her to Med Bay. When they got there with Jazz trailing right behind them, Ratchet held her in his palm and scan her at least twice before setting her down, transforming, and activating his holoform. Mackie didn't jump this time but was still was pretty annoyed with the whole situation.

"Ratchet, I'm fine," Mackie whined. Ratchet simply frowned at her and ran the results through the computer.

"You are not 'fine', you have at least 20 stitches in your right arm and your ribcage is still bruised, not to mention cracked," Ratchet gruffly replied as he began to unwrap Mackie's arm. The cut on her arm was doing much better and had scabbed over very well. Mackie was also pretty impressed at how much better it was looking.

"It seems I can remove the stitches, but you will still have to be careful!" Ratchet warned, taking scissors and gently began to cut the stitches. Mackie glanced at Jazz and grinned and he gave her a thumbs up, although he probably should've told Mackie that she was going to be there for the next hour.

After the stitches were out, Ratchet wrapped Mackie's arm again in a less thick bandage and began to run a few tests on Mackie, much to her displeasure. These tests weren't long, but they were a pain in the butt. Ratchet was an overly concerned doctor, but that concern has helped him a lot when dealing with sick patients. He took a DNA sample from Mackie, some blood for testing, and ran her through a few physical tests, then 2 mental tests. Jazz later explained that even though it was annoying, this information was necessary and that every human on base had at least 5 different medical tabs in Ratchet's database. When she was (after an hour and a half) allowed to leave, she jumped off her seat and Jazz lifted her into the air and placed her on his shoulder.

"Alright doc, is there anythin', in particular, Ah need to know about Short-stuff here?" Jazz inquired as Ratchet went into his bi-pedal mode.

"Nothing really, aside from that she is the most stubborn human I've ever met!" Ratchet growled, his reply directed more towards Mackie than Jazz. Jazz burst out laughing as Mackie smirked and crossed her arms.

"You better believe it!" she grinned.

"Ironhide is going to want to see you and her here in a few minutes. I already told him that he cannot do anything too intense until she is fully healed," Ratchet explained turning back to his work. Mackie was a little confused and nervous at the fact that the trigger-happy weapons specialist wanted to see her, but Jazz reassured her that she was gonna be fine. The two made their way outside of the Ark and Mackie was surprised at the environment that they were in. A giant alien ship, half-buried in the side of a mountain that was near a forest and the rest of the place was a hot desert. The trees in the forest area stood fairly tall, taller than the bots, but the trees were pretty spaced out between each other. Mackie shifted her gaze towards the group of bots and three humans, two she instantly recognized as Amy and Lennox, and there was another human; a tall dark-haired boy who she still had yet to meet. The bots were Ironhide, Crosshairs, Drift, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Bumblebee.

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