Chapter 6: Repairs and Stories

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"War?" Mackie asked. Jazz left out a vented sigh.

"Yep, a worldwide war that lasted for eons, or millions of earth years. It killed millions, as well as our home. And now Cybertron is dead and we have no way to revive it," Jazz said.
"So, you're stuck here? But why earth? It could've literally been any other planet in the universe but you all came to earth and brought the bad guys with you," Mackie said. She rolled the second tire other to Jazz and began to undo to screws on his old tire. Jazz had to think about this one for a minute; Mackie did have a point, it could've been another planet. But no, it had to be earth.

"Earth for a few reasons," Jazz began, "One: Because like it or not, Earth and Cybertron's fates are intertwined. Two: Energon."

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Back up! Intertwined?! And what the hell is Energon?!" Mackie yelled finishing the second tire.

"Hey Short-Stuff, ever heard of non-aggressive verbal communication? Ah don't think ya need ya curse every time ya speak," Jazz sighed. Mackie's curse yelling was aggravating him a bit, but it did remind him of Ironhide and Hound who would curse every time they opened their mouths.

"Hey, you're not any better yourself! You said 'frag' which sounds a whole lot like the f-word," Mackie retorted. Jazz chuckled and angled his rearview mirror toward Mackie.

"Well, ya got meh there! It is a Cybortronian curse word like the human f-word, except that it's ten times worse," Jazz replied. Mackie smirked at her reflection and went to the tire rack and pulled the third tire off of it, she went to work on it as they two carried on with their conversation.

"So, what is Energon?" Mackie asked, unscrewing the bolts.

"Puttin' it simply; it's the 'blood' of all Cybortronians. Ah think Ah got a piece of it in meh somewhere..." Jazz began to shake, almost jumping off the car jack. Mackie backed up to avoid getting hit and raised an eyebrow as a faint clinking sound came from Jazz's glove compartment.

"Found it!" Jazz exclaimed as he opened the passenger door and the glove box. Mackie saw a faint blue glow from the glove compartment and went over and partly sat on Jazz's seat to look at it. A small blue crystal, it was a little smaller than an apple but it shined brightly. Mackie stared at it; completely mesmerized.

"It's so pretty," she said softly. Carefully she took and held it. It was a little heavy but Mackie didn't mind, she traced her finger along the cracks of the crystal. She noticed the crystal was vibrating, it was faint, but vibrating.

"This is your lifeblood? Isn't it a little solid for that?" she asked. Jazz let out a quick laugh.

"Hehe, that's unrefined Energon. That's the purest state of Energon ya can get and in that stage it highly combustible! One little spark and boom! Explosion!" At the mention of 'combustible' Mackie carefully put the rock back in the glove compartment and got out of Jazz and attached the third tire to him.

"Back on Cybertron, we had tons of Energon but then bots began to fight over control of the world supply of it. It's basically what started the fight and it got so bad that war seemed like the only way to settle the dispute," Jazz resumed, "So we fought and no one was bright enough to realize that the more we fought, the more Energon we used, and less Energon we got. Until the core of our planet, Primus himself died and there was no more Energon. We had to leave. But somehow during war Energon was off-planet to Earth so now Energon is on your planet."

"That's stupid!  Again, WHY THE HELL DID IT HAVE TO BE EARTH?!?!," Mackie yelled angrily. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down before continuing. "What about intertwined? What do you mean by that? If your homeworld died for sake of this Energon, does that mean Earth may die too?" she questioned nervously as she finished the tire. Jazz hesitated before answering.

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