Chapter 7: First Encounter

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(A/n, that picture is my art)

When Ratchet received Jazz's comm signal, Mackie and Jazz had just finished listening to "Before He Cheats', by Carrie Underwood and Jazz was absolutely horrified at the song!

"You listen to that?! And you enjoy it?!?" Jazz shuddered. Mackie laughed, proud that she got the desired reaction out of him.

"Yep! And now all I have to do is give you a new coat of paint and you'll be done," said Mackie, grabbing shiny white paint and a big paintbrush and a fine paint brush. Jazz had been washed and buffed, revealing his old paint job, which had faded red and blue racing streaks and a faded red number 4 on his hood. The old white paint on him was peeling off, showing his dark grey frame. Mackie opened the paint bucket and before she could start working on Jazz's hood, from inside the garage, the comm-link spoke.

"CLS reboot complete."

The second Jazz heard the link, he revved his engine and Mackie had to jump out of the way to avoid getting hit. Jazz almost slammed into the wall as he transformed and Mackie again had to run and close the garage door.

"Could you quit transforming whenever the door is open?! And a little heads up would be nice too!" Mackie yelled. Jazz didn't answer, but reattached his comm-link to the side of his head and pressed on it; a faint static echoed through the quietness of the garage. When Mackie closed the garage, Jazz gently picked her up and seated her on the table.

"You really get a kick out of picking me up, don't you?" Mackie grumbled. Jazz gave Mackie a teasing smile and put on a finger over his mouth, motioning for her to be quiet. Mackie shrugged and crossed her legs as Jazz got himself into a more comfortable sitting position and leaned against the wall. Mackie examined him; he seemed really tense and a little impatient. Jazz opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything, a rough and grumpy sounding voice came on.

.: Jazz, this is Ratchet, do you copy? :.

"Hey! How ya been Doc?!" Jazz exclaimed happily, sitting up. Jazz smiled widely as he heard Ratchet grumble.

.: Don't call me Doc:. Ratchet said although Jazz could hear the relief in his voice. Jazz couldn't stop smiling, it was great to hear the familiar voices of old friends.

.: Jazz, old friend, are you well? :. Asked Optimus.

"Ah'm feelin' fantastic Prime! It's great to hear ya guys again!" Jazz grinned. Mackie smiled softly to herself, she knew how it felt to hear from someone you haven't seen in a while. Like the time she saw her Grandma for the first time in 10 years; Mackie felt delighted and there was strong joy in her heart. It had been a year since that though, however, the feelings and memories were still fresh in Mackie's head and heart. Mackie woke from her thoughts and turned back to Jazz, who was discussing something called "groundbridging" with "Ratchet".

.: Jazz, we have a fix on your location, but we can't send you a groundbridge due to the populated area you're in. Can't risk having a human seeing you:. Ratchet stated. Jazz looked at Mackie, who raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well I have no idea what a groundbridge is, but I assume it's big and noticeable," Mackie said, standing up. Jazz nodded his head and transformed, opening his door for Mackie.

.: Who was that?! Jazz, you've made contact with a human?! :. Ratchet yelled.

"And it's nice to meet you too, Gramps," Mackie said, noticing how much the voice sounded like her Grandfather. The voice grumbled as Mackie threw her backpack into Jazz's passenger seat.

"I'll be right back," Mackie said.

"Alrighty," replied Jazz. Mackie ran to the office and slipped off her mechanic suit and stuffed it in her drawer. She grabbed her spare shirt and old white converse out of the drawer and ran to the bathroom. She pulled her white shirt off and slipped on her dark green shirt, then kicked off her flats and slipped on her converse. She left the bathroom, made sure the front door was locked, and stuffed her flats and shirt into her drawer and ran back to the garage. When she got there, she heard Jazz talking away.

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