Chapter 4: Jazz

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The bot looked down at the now-passed-out girl laying on the ground. He gave a quick chuckle to himself and carefully picked up the girl in his servo, making sure not to accidentally scratch her. She fitted perfectly in his servo and the bot thought she was rather nice looking for a human. He carefully tapped the girl on the head with his metal figure aka digit, hoping that would wake her.

"Rise an' shine Sleepin' Beauty!" he said softly. The girl shook her head and rolled onto her side.

"It's not a school day mom," she muttered. The bot laughed, his laugh made the girl jump and sit straight up. She yelped at the sight of him and tried to get away, but only fell off of his servo. Quickly the bot caught her because a 25-foot fall would definitely hurt a fragile being like her.

"Woah there kiddo!" he said gently setting her down, "We wouldn't want ta make pancakes outta ya!". The girl flopped on the ground, shaken from the fall and from the giant metallic being standing above her. The bot knelt down in a position that adults get in when talking to toddlers.

"The name's Jazz," smiled the bot. He carefully held out his hand to help the young teenage girl stand up, slowly she took his metal digit and stood up.

"I-I'm Mackenzie, but everyone calls me Mackie," she smiled nervously. Mackie looked at the bot; he had her car's color scheme, dents, scratches, and bad tires, needed a car wash, a lopsided grin, and a baby blue visor that hid his eyes so well that it was impossible to make them out. He looked friendly enough, but Mackie wasn't too sure about him yet, considering the fact that he did kidnap her. Jazz picked up on her uneasiness and gave her a warm smile.

"Aw, don' you worry Short-stuff, ol' Jazz won't hurt ya!" he smirked. At the mention of "short-stuff', Mackie gave a surprised face and frowned at Jazz.

"I'll have you know I'm 5"9 feet which is pretty tall for a 17-year-old human girl such as myself!" Mackie sassily replied, her fear beginning to subside. Jazz shook his head gasket, still smirking.

"Sorry missy, but you're pretty short in mah opinion!" he said. Mackie crossed her arms and looked at Jazz.

"I don't care who or what you are, don't call me short!" she said flatly.

"No promises," he said.

Mackie looked Jazz over and noticed a bright red symbol that looked like the necklace she had on. Mackie pulled her necklace out and held it in her hand.

"If you kidnapped me for this, you can have it back and my stuff for that matter. I'm sorry I took it, I didn't think it would belong to an alien bot," Mackie apologized. Jazz brought his head down closer to Mackie and grinned at the sight of the charm.

"It's fine Short-stuff, you can keep it," he said. Jazz gently pushed Mackie's hand back toward her and pulled her backpack, cable, and phone out of his chassis, which means chest.

"Well that's not weird at all," she mumbled sarcastically to herself. She took her backpack and shoved the phone and cable in it. She swung it over her shoulders and looked up at Jazz, who was pressing something Mackie couldn't see on the side of his head.

"What are you doing and why do you have Darth Vader's helmet on your arm?" she asked as a faint static sound filled the air and made Jazz flinch.

"That's my-AH- com. link," he winced bashing the side of his head as he sat back down, "And as for "Darth Vader" that's actually the Autobot insignia, meaning Imma good guy."
Mackie walked up to him, still holding her backpack and sat down in front of him. Mackie watched as Jazz took a piece that to her was the size of a large dinner plate, but was the size of a small grape to Jazz out of the side of his head. He flicked it a few times and mumbled to himself.

"Trying to call someone?" asked Mackie, even though she knew it was a stupid question. Mackie was partly glad in a way that she had slowly begun to warm up to Jazz, but also she was scared of what he could still do. Sure he's been nice and gentle so far but what if he's just toying with her? Mackie knew that to a being of Jazz's size and strength that she would be laughably to kill, like stupid easy. To him killing her would be as easy squishing a bug in your bare hand.

Jazz continued to mumble and mess with the device or com-link as he told Mackie. He shifted his optics toward her and noticed Mackie watching him carefully, Jazz still had his blue visor down so as far as Mackie was concerned his undivided attention was on his com-link. He could guess well what she was thinking of doing and decided to pretend he didn't notice her for a minute, he saw Mackie slowly stand up, grab her backpack, and begin to move away from him. "Heh, well I was right 'bout Shorty's little suspicions!" He gave a quick chuckle before calling her.

"Hey, Short-stuff! Where ya headin' off to?" he said, he didn't bother raising his voice or head but could tell that Mackie had stopped.

"I'm going home! I don't really have time to hang out with giant robots," she yelled and kept walking. She was lying to herself, every part of her wanted to hang out with Jazz and figure out how he functioned, but if her family got involved in this craziness that was happening to her, no telling what could happen.

"Ya know that you're 'bout 15 miles away from your place right?" Jazz asked as he changed into vehicle mode and drove up beside Mackie. Mackie jumped away from him but kept walking.

"Thanks for telling me the distance," she answered sarcastically.

"How'd ya intend to get home?" Jazz asked still driving carefully beside her.

"I shall get home using the most ancient and most well-known method in the universe!" said Mackie, punching her fist into the air.

"And what might that be?"

"Walking, but I wouldn't expect you to understand it since you're a car."

"Well, that's just hurtful! First off, Ah can walk fine and secondly, what are ya goin' to say to your parental guardians when they find out that your new car is missin'?"

Mackie stopped walking and mentally slapped herself. How was she going to explain that? She can't say that she was a victim of auto theft, her dad would stop at nothing to get the car back! She looked at Jazz, who was still waiting for an answer.

"And ah need your help," Jazz added.

"You need my help? How so?" asked Mackie, still wondering how she was going to get rid of Jazz.

"My com-link is busted and Ah can't call my team, so as of now I'm stuck. And no, ah don't know where they are at the moment."

"Even if I wanted to help you, I don't think I can fix the thing. I'm a mechanic, not a technician!"

"Ah think you can, Ah know how to fix mah com-link, but it's too small for meh to realign anything 'cuz Ah don' have any of tha right tools. But you have small, careful servos and Ah think those tools of your's can fix this," Jazz stated. Mackie looked at him and sighed. She really had no choice, if she showed up with no car she would be in trouble and Jazz most likely wouldn't leave her alone until she helped him.

"Fine, I'll help you on two conditions," Mackie firmly ordered.

"Name 'em!" Jazz replied.

"One, you have got to stay in vehicle mode until we're away from my auto-repair shop. Two, I'm also fixing you up." Mackie said as she got in the driver's seat and buckled up.

"Okay, I'll stay in vehicle mode. But I want more clarification on 'fixing me up'." Jazz said cautiously. Mackie couldn't help but smile slyly as she and Jazz started toward her home.

"You'll see when we get there."

My Car's an Autobot!  {Jazz story}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora