Can I Have This Dance?

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Kellie's POV

It had been 10 days since I found out that I was kidney and liver failures, and it had been hell. I was on dialysis three times a week and in addition to my heart failure. I barely had time to do anything, and I had no energy! 

On top of that my boyfriend, two of my best friends, and Kara were getting ready to leave today. I was having a hard time adjusting to that all of them were leaving today.

"Hey, hey, bishhh. Are you going to help me pack, or not?" my roommate asked.

"I don't know. Should I? Maybe if I don't you won't leave!" I rationalized

"Come on! I'm still going to come and visit you and Em." she said handing me a box.

"True, and we're having our party. So at least I get to have pizza, that's not from the hospital!"

"I'm glad to see that our friendship means that much to you" she said as we worked to clean her stuff up.

"Come let's hurry up, and get your crap at of my room. I want my single back" I said and we continued to pack stuff up.


I had finished helping Amber pack up her room, and I was sitting with Dash waiting for his parents to come pick him up for the second time.

"Do you have to go?" I asked him

"Yeah, babe. Unless I start dying right now. I gotts to go." he said

"Well, I don't want that to happen. So I guess you'll have to go" I said and kissed him for one of the last times before he leaves.

We kissed back and forth for a while before I heard this.

"Why is that every time I come in here? You two are always making out!" Ms.Hosney said as she walked in the room. "Ma, have you ever heard of knocking?" Dash said standing up to hug his mom. "Oh, it's so good to see you!" she said as walked into the room. "Ma, I saw you on Wednesday!" he said confused.

"I wasn't talking to you, D. I meant, my future daughter in law!" he said

"Mrs. Hosney it's so good to see!" I said embracing the woman who felt like a second mom to me! "Oh, it's so good to see you, honey! How's my boy been treating you?" she asked

"Like a princess, right K?" Dash interjected.

"No, no, no.. " I started. "What do you mean! I had surgery 2 weeks ago, and when you asked me could I give you a foot rub? I said yes" my overly cute boyfriend started to whine.

"If you would let me FINISH! I was going to say, he treats me like a queen" I said sarcastically.

"That's what I thought!" he said

"Okay, well your father is parking the car and we are going to come and get the rest of your stuff" his mom said.

"While I would love to help with all of that. You know dialysis can make you very tired, I'm going to go." I said rushing out to go and plan the next Red Band Society party.


"Today, we are planning the extra special celebration for 7 out of 9 of the red banders going home!" Leo started off today's meeting. A small round of applause was heard from everyone except Emma for some reason. She seemed to devastated about going home, while I would give anything to see a bed that wasn't from the hospital. "Leo don't get to excited your not leaving until next month" Dash reminded him.

What I Want (A Red Band Society Fanfiction)[Dash x OC]Where stories live. Discover now