You Make Me Smile

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Kellie's POV
The last 24 hours have not been good. I had been more nauseous in the last 16 hours, then I had been before I was diagnosed with meningitis. I had no one to talk to because it was Family weekend at the hospital, and Kara, Amber, and Emma were consumed in that madness. Dash was going out of town with his parents and sister for the weekend.

I still was so damn nauseous!


Molly's POV
Hi! My's name's Molly. I'm a ICU nurse. I had just clocked in, and we were getting our assignments for today.

"Alright guys, listen up! We've got a q word kind of day! Only, one patient per nurse!" our supervisor Fran said.  There was a small cheer among the nurses, as we normally never had a quiet day! As long, as I didn't have to deal with kids or teen. I could tell that today was going to be a good day.

Fran started reading off assignments until she got to my name. " Last but not least, Molly, you're on 5. Meningitis with possible kidney failure. Her doctor should be up to speak with you shortly. All rights, guys! Go save lives" she said and dismissed us to start the day. Soon enough, I saw the smoking Dr.McAndrews, who if it wasn't for the fact that he was on PEDS I would totally try and take a swing at.

"Hey, Fran! Who's on Kellie today?" he asked her. "The brilliant nurse, Molly McCook" she said and pointed at me. Crap, I was going to have and deal with a kid today! God did hate me.

"Dr.McAndrews, nice to meet you" I said as I walked up to him. "You as well. This patient that you are responsible is very special. Kellie Johnson, 17, congestive heart failure, now has meningitis and possible kidney failure. She on the transplant list, and is Nurse Jackson's foster daughter! She's a NICU volunteer and runs hospital camp." he informed me as we walked down to her door. We got all dressed in our isolation gear, and we headed in. I could tell wasn't going to be a good day.


Kellie's POV

I was talking with Hunter because I missed my best friend, and I hadn't seen him in a while.

"Did you I really, jump in the pool head first in the shallow end?" I asked him as we talking about old hospital moments.

"Yeah, you weren't the smartest kid when we were little" he laughed.

"Hey, don't make me have to kick-" I started to threaten until Dr.McA, and a new nurse came in.

"Hunter, I want you to start your discharge labs now." he said as he entered.

"Come on, Dr.McAndrews he just-" I  started to whine. "He leaves now and comes back later, or not at all" he warned me.

"Bye Hunter. See you later" I said as he walked back out of the room.

Molly's POV
Is this how these doctors treat their patients. Damn there mean.

"So how are you today?"he asked her.

"Well, I can't leave this bed, I'm nauseous, I have a tube coming out of my lung, my boyfriend and friends are gone, 4 out of 5 of my friends including me need new organs, and I can't piss to save my life today. But, how are you Dr.McA?" she asked him. 

That made me laugh. I liked this kid. "Well, may you introduce me to the one person who seems to find my jokes funny?" Kellie asked.

"Molly, I'll be your nurse today" I introduced myself. "You didn't give her the speech did you, right, because since you started giving that speech. No nurse has wanted to step close to this door, because they're all afraid of mom. " she ranted to Dr.McAndrews. 

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