New Place

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Dr.McAndrew's POV

I was heading down to Exam Room to meet my newest patient, Kellie. I had heard of her from Dr. Cullins telling me she was nice kind but was in heart failure. It was now affecting her lungs, and it wasn't looking good. 

I felt bad for the girl, and I knew she would become fast friends with my resident troublemakers, The Red Band Society. 

I got to the exam room and called for Kenji to come and help me. We were sitting for about 20 minutes when Kellie was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. I was about to call Nurse Jackson to see where she was when the door busted open an out of breath girl came running in.

"Dr. McAndrews I'm so sorry I'm late. I meet this girl and she took me to meet these other people, and we were having so much fun that I lost track of time!" she said out of breath.

"Let me guess you meet Leo, Jordi, Dash, Kara, and Emma" Kenji said.

She nodded quickly

"It's alright Kellie just don't make it a habit. Alright?"I said

"Yes, Dr. McAndrews it will never happen again! I promise" she said

"Alright, then why don't you hop on the bed, so we can take a look this heart of yours." I said

She hopped on the bed, and listen to her heart while Kenji connected her to a pulse ox, and a blood pressure cuff. She then took off her oxygen so we could get a base reading

I then listened to her lungs, and Kenji finished getting her bp. "Alright Kellie, I'm going to be straight with you. What I'm hearing in your lungs and heart isn't the best in the world but it isn't worst."

" BP is good, but her pulse ox is in the high 80s."Kenji said.

"Alright, this is what we are going to do. I want to get a CT of your heart and lungs, a chest X-Ray, and-"

"Okay is that it because I had those before and you sound worried"

"I want to also to do a biopsy of your heart, which would mean putting you under anesthesia, and with your current lungs issues I'm not sure if safe"

"Dr.Andrew I've lived my whole life with crap lungs and a crappier heart, I'll be fine." she said

"Alright if you're sure, but I have to call your parents to let them know," I said. "I'll schedule your procedures for tomorrow, and I think that-"I was interrupted by her

"Will I live long enough to get a heart?" she asked

"With lots of support, and help, and a new PIC line. I'm 90% sure that you will make it through" I told her.

"Ughhhh, I was hoping you would say I wouldn't need a PIC."

"If you want to be able to hang out with your new friends, you be happy with your PIC" Kenji interjected.

"Alright Kellie, I'll see you tomorrow. One of the nurses will come and get you tomorrow. Remember after midnight no eating, and please don't be stupid" I told her

"Alright doc see you tomorrow" she said

I then walked out of the room, and I could tell that this was going to be a hard case, but I think she has the kind of energy this hospital needed.

Kellie's POV

I had definitely gotten some McDreamy vibes from Dr. McAndrews, but other than that he seemed nice. I loved Kenji I think he might be my favorite nurse ever, but first I was going to find Emma.

I somehow made it down to the Eating Disorders wing and found her room. It was so pretty I hoped mine could be like that!

"Hey Emma!" I said

What I Want (A Red Band Society Fanfiction)[Dash x OC]Where stories live. Discover now