It's My Birthday! Part 2

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Kellie's POV

I had just finished my infusion and was heading back to my room. When I heard the voice that I loved so much.

"C is that you" I asked turning around to see my older brother who had that usual smirk on his face.

"Hey are you just going to stand there or are you going to give your favorite sibling a hug?" he asked

"Wait I don't see Sofia here?" I said while giving him the biggest hug

"That hurts" he said when we pulled away.

"Well come on show me around, where are your friends, and that little boyfriend of yours," he added.

"They're doing things, you know that this is a hospital. Life doesn't just stop here it changes. Brother" I said while leading him to my room.

"Welcome to my awesome room." I said

"Woah I think that might be the best one yet" he said

"I had some help" I said sitting down on the bed.

"So how have been?" I asked

"Good you know only got a few months until I start college at UCLA in the fall" he said

"Wait your going to UCLA!" I said

"I couldn't stay away from my baby sister for too long. I knew that you were going to be here for a while, and I wanted to be closer to you." he said

"You really are the best big brother" I said

"Yeah. Your pretty cool too for a weirdo" he said

"So what do you want to do on your special day?" he asked

"Maybe we can sneak into the doctor's lounge and make some popcorn. We can watch a movie too." I said

"My sister sneaking in to somewhere. What happened to the goody two shoes?" he said

"She grew up"   I said and pulled some popcorn out of my snack drawer. I motioned for him to follow me as we made down the long hallway of the main floor. Where I waved at some of the little kids and told them hello as we got to the Nurse Station so I can introduce my brother to Nurse J and Kenji.

"Hey Kenji this is my brother Chris. Chris this is Kenji, the best peds nurse ever" I said

"Hey good to meet you." Chris said

"So is my sister behaving herself?" he asked

"Answer that question very carefully, Kenji" I said smiling

"First, don't threaten me. And yeah she's been on her best behavior except for when she snuck into the OR." he said

"You did -" he said

"Okay, Nurse Jackson this my brother Chris. Chris this my nurse" I said introducing the too.

"Nice to see you again, are you taking good care of my sister?" he asked

"I'm trying this one is a handful right here especially with Dash" she said

"Hey remember PT starts at 6, please Kellie don't be late. I don't care if it's your birthday!" she screamed as we walked away.

"So his name is Dash, that's interesting. And sneaking into OR hallways. Kellie Johnson what happened to the sweet girl that hated even making a peep." he said teasing

"She decided it was time to grow up, and have some balls!" I said

"So here we are. Be quiet and make sure that you keep the door closed. I need you to stand lookout. Let me know if anyone is coming" I said

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