Anybody Have a Map?

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Kellie's POV

This last few days have been a whirlwind. In the last few days, we had nurses changes and Hunter liver transplant. The most important thing though is that 




ALL GOT TRANSPLANTS! We were four for five. The last person being yours truly! I should be happy for them, right? But, the only thing I could think about is how I'm having four procedures.

Dash's POV

Kellie's been acting really weird this last few days. Ever since we had all gotten our transplants, they had moved us into one big room together. 

However, Kellie was always sneaking out, or going to the bathroom for like an hour and then not mentioning anything about it when she comes back.

Speaking of girlfriends, there was mine walking in wearing her signature crop top and skirt.

"Hey babe, how you feeling this morning?" she asked, as she walked in.

"Good but I would be better if my girlfriend, gave me a kiss" I told her.

She laughed and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"So I'm going to be gone for most of the day, Dr.McA wants to run some big test. But I should be back by like one okay. So I can come, and see your parents." she told me

"You good, everything alright?" I asked her, concerned.

"Yep, I'm fine. This is just for my heart check" she brushed it off.

" I gotta go he said that he wanted me there before 10 o'clock to get started" she said and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before she walked out of the room.


Soon after Leo walked in, and I was still determined to find out what's going on with K.

"Hey man" I said

"Yeah dude, what's up?" he replied back sitting down on one of the chairs.

"Do you know what's up with, K? She's been acting real weird this last few days" I asked him.

"It might be because she's going through kidney and liver failure." he said like it was common knowledge.

"Wait! What do you mean by she has kidney and liver failure? She told me that her appointment went fine!" I started screaming.

"Dude, calm down. She was like breaking down when I was talking to her, and she might have wanted to wait to tell you until it was confirmed." he reassured me

"Do you know when it's getting confirmed?" I asked him.

"IDK, Em said something about her having a small procedure today" she said

"Okay good small means not that important she's probably fine. Why didn't she tell me though? That's when I heard this noise.

"Hey sorry to interrupt your little girl talk to time. But can you two shut up, the rest of us are trying to sleep!" Amber screamed before closing her curtain.


Kellie's POV

I had gotten into Pre-Op, and I was talking to Emma before the took me back for my surgery.

"So are you ever going to tell, Dash?" she asked me.

What I Want (A Red Band Society Fanfiction)[Dash x OC]Where stories live. Discover now