Start of Something New

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Nurse Jackson's POV

Kellie's parent's had left her all alone. In the few short months that I had known Kellie, I had instantly fallen in love with her. I wasn't going to let this girl end up alone. Which is why I wasn't here on the hospital computer the next day researching.

 Which is why I wasn't here on the hospital computer the next day researching

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That's when Kenji came over to me.

"What are you doing. You know I think you're told old to be trying to adopt a baby" he said

"No, Kellie's parents terminated their custodial rights last night, and I want to apply to be her foster mom" I said.

"Oh well, congrats. You know if this happens you can't be on her case anymore. She'd be in Brittany's hands" Kenji said trying to scare me at the end. 

"Eh, Brittany's capable... ish" I said smiling at the end of his comment.

"Wow, Kellie has really changed you. Remind me to send her a fruit basket!" he said before walking off.  I think this was going to be the start of something new. 


<<Time Skip>><< One week>>

Kellie's POV

Life's been good. Except for the fact that my parents abandoned me and my boyfriend is getting discharged tomorrow. Everything was good. See the weird part about it was that nobody from CPS or social work had been seen me. It's as if my parents never left me but I was there, so I'm sure it happened. Maybe God did love me. I think these next few weeks we're going to be pretty good. 

Hell, who am I kidding nothing good ever happens to me.

"Hey, handsome" I asked Dash as I entered our usual spot. Which was the little part underneath the stairwell. 

"Wassup, babe" He said as he kissed me on the check.

"So you ready for tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Nah, girl Im'ma miss you like crazy. I wish I could stay here with you." he said grabbing my hand. 

"Boy, this is a good thing! I would have killed to get out of the hospital. Heck, I'm still might!" I said.

"My girlfriend is crazy!" he said standing up.

"You love me anyway though!" I said, pecking my wonderfully handsome boyfriend on the cheek.

"Hey, you. me. rooftop. 8 pm. We are going to celebrate you getting out of this hospital!" I said while starting to dance. But, you see when I dance it doesn't look like dancing. It looks like a graceful hippo. I guess that's what being in a hospital all your life does to you.

"Yeah, I'll be there. I want to see some more of the beautiful dance moves." he said while moving in to kiss me.  "You better. Your wonderful girlfriend is going to cook, after PT so you better! If not... you'll see." I said playfully before blowing him a kiss as I hopped up the stairwell. 

What I Want (A Red Band Society Fanfiction)[Dash x OC]Where stories live. Discover now