Know Thyself

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Charlie's POV

Aristotle said that knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom. Here at Ocean Park, while we are busy getting to know ourselves. We count on Nurse Jackson to know everything else. Like we Dash has his first oxygen treatment of the day or how to rain in Leo when his being a little incentive. especially when his new love life is affecting his roommate. When Kellie's has her first infusion. Or how Dr.McAndrews get super cranky when he doesn't get his afternoon fix from the taco truck. For me, though I guess it doesn't matter. I just like having her around. 


<<Time Skip: 1 month after the last chapter takes place>>

Kellie's POV

I had been at Ocean Park for a month now and I was loving every second of it. Even though it was filled with doctors and nurses constantly bugging me I wouldn't trade it for the world. I had found a boyfriend, a good group of friend, and I had my old best friend what more could a girl ask for. 

My life was great until I heard these two words. 


I was at my weekly appointment with Dr.McAndrews just to make sure that I was as healthy I could possibly be, and that my heart wasn't getting worse. That's when he uttered the two words that never wanted to hear again. I felt good for the most part, hell some days I even felt great. I could run around with Dash and we go see movies, go to carnivals, and sneak into stairwells and kiss. 

But my heart was getting worse. He said that I had about 2-3 months before I would need a new heart. I was still pretty pissed at Dr.McDreamy for suspending Nurse J and I really wasn't looking forward to seeing him. So when he told me those two words instead of becoming upset like a normal person. 

I got super pissed.

"Now Kellie I know this must be-" he started while sitting next to me.

"NO, YOU have no idea how this feels. I'm gonna die and the one person that I want to talk to right now to process all of this BS right now. You suspended! So I'm gonna and find someone who I can look at right now because it's certainly not you!" I screamed 

Then I got up and slammed the door before he even got a chance to say anything else.

In all honesty, you might be thinking that was a little bit harsh but that's not even the beginning of what I want to say to him. The next time I see Dr.McAndrew it's going to be a whole lot worse. 

I'll I wanted to do was go sit and my room and cry!

Uh crap, I forgot that Dash had called some kind of Red Band meeting about Nurse J and I was late now. Could my day get any worse? 


I walked into the room where the rest of the kids had school and Dash, Jordi, Leo, and Emma were all sitting. 

Me and Kara walked in that the exact same time. Guess being late comes with having heart problems. 

"You two are late" he said frustrated

"That's what I said to my period last night."Kara said

"Even though I and Kara still weren't the best of friends I had to admit that was funny.

"Talk to me like that again, and you won't have a girlfriend" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Look me and Leo set up this whole get together because we need to do something about this Nurse Jackson situation" he said

What I Want (A Red Band Society Fanfiction)[Dash x OC]Where stories live. Discover now