Everything Has Changed

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Kellie's POV

I was walking to Dash's room. I was so excited to surprise him because he didn't know that I was back from the CCU yet. Then I saw someone that I never thought that I would see again. 

"Hunter. Hunter Cole is that you?" I asked surprised

"Oh my god. Kellie how are you" he asked surprised.

If you're confused. I meet Hunter when I was little in Atlanta at one of the Peds Wards in the hospital. We had become best friends instantly and spent our days' annoying nurses and running around the hospital. I never thought that I would see him after he left the hospital because he was in remission. 

"It's so good to see you again!" I said giving him the biggest hug ever.

"I've missed you K" he said returning my hug.

"Wait why are you here. Did your cancer come?" I asked nervously

"All of that chemo made my liver suck, and I have to get a new one." he said, nonchalantly

"I'm sorry" I said sadly

"What about you? How's your heart" he asked

"It's bad.. I'm on the transplant list. Congestive Heart Failure but still at the bottom of the list like your girlfriend over there." I said adding extra emphasis on the end.  

"Oh wait so you meet Kara. So how come I didn't know that you were back?" he said

" I don't know but I'm so glad that I saw you!" I said hugging him

"Hey, can you meet in the cafeteria, tomorrow around lunchtime. I want to catch up!" I said

"Yeah sure. Bye, K" he said

"Tell Kara I said hi! Bye,H" then I turned around and walked back to Dash's rooms.


I knock on his door

"Knock, knock" I said and walked in

"Hey girl. What are you doing here" he asked and gave me a hug

"Just got off the CCU and wanted to let my favorite person know that I was back!" I said, sitting on his bed.

"Cool. You ready for our date later?" he asked while moving closer to me

"Can't wait!" I beamed

"Well make sure that your fine self isn't late today" he said and leaned in closer to me. 

We were inches apart and before I knew it we were kissing. I say that I was doing pretty well for my first time kissing I was doing pretty well. We were in a full-on make-out section when SOMEONE just had to come in and ruin our mood. 

"What the hell are y'all doing in here?" Nurse Jackson boomed

"I was just telling Dash about how dangerous ........ it is.... to um-" I studdered

"Mhhm... Dash, Dr.McAndrews was looking for you. I suggest you go and find him-" she said

Dash and I just continued to look at each other and  I was enjoying every minute of it.

"NOW!" she said

Dash got up and left the room not before he gave me another kiss on the cheek.

While Nurse J just gave him a look of complete and order disgust.

"Well seeing as this was possibly the worst day as my life. I'm just going to go ahead and-" I said gathering up my things so that I scurry out of there as quickly as possible.

What I Want (A Red Band Society Fanfiction)[Dash x OC]Where stories live. Discover now