Campfire Song

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Kellie's POV
Tomorrow was the day. I was going to start running "hospital camp". You must be wondering, "What the hell is hospital camp?" Well since every parent likes to schedule their kids surgeries over the summer, the Peds ward usually has so many kids. So Dr. Grace set up this program so that the kids that were stuck on inpatient, to have fun for a few days. We play games, do some arts and crafts, go to the small hospital playground, and then it's over at like one.

So here I was trying to convince Dr.McA to let me go off my oxygen for the 5 hours for camp while having one of the worst headaches ever.

"Please Dr.McAndrews, it's only 5 hours. I'll be back on it before you know it" I pleaded with him.

"How's her pulse ox, looking today, Kenji?" he asked, ignoring me.

"She's satting in the low 90s, today. She's been like this for the past week" he said. I was trying so hard to focus on them but my head hurt so bad. Dr.McA seem to have noticed.

"Kellie are you okay?" he asked me concerningly. "Yeah, it just my head kinda hurts. What were we talking about again?" I said trying to brush it off like it was nothing. "So, I'm going to sign off on your oxygen, but I'm going to bump up your PT to twice a day. And you put that oxygen on as soon as you're finished with camp." he said.

"Mhmm" was all I could muster out. I don't understand why my headache was so bad today. "Kellie, is something going on?" Kenji asked grabbing my hand. "Nothing, it' just this headache, and I'm not sleeping the most right now because of camp and Amber and I like to talk a lot. I'll be fine." I said

"Okay, Kenji got get her Ibprofuen and Kellie go back to your room and go lay down. Amber, shouldn't be back from school for the next couple of hours. " Dr.McAndrews said


DAY 1 of Camp!

Yesterday, I went back to my room and slept for like three hours. I got up and planned out the rest of camp. But, yet today I woke up with the same headache that I had yesterday. I was just going to push through and take it.

I put on my ocean park shirt and some shorts and some converse. My signature accessory. I was counseloring along with Dash, Emma, Hunter, Amber, Jordi and some other teen volunteers.

"Amber, wake up!" "Good morning to you, too!" she said sarcastically. "Come on, get dressed. We've gotta go and set up, now I said starting to put my hair up. "Why did I agree to do this?" she wined. "Because you love me!" I said.

Over the last few days, since Amber had gotten her, Emma, and I have gotten a lot closer. We were basically inseparable except for Kara because she was always hanging out with Hunter. "Oh, do I get to meet this lovely boyfriend of yours today?" Amber asked me as we walked out of my room.

"Where do you think we are going, now?" I asked her running ahead to the lobby.


Dash's POV

I was coming back to the hospital for the first time since I was discharged. I couldn't wait to see, K.

"Babe" she ran up and hugged me. "Hey, what's up, K?" I said as I kissed her head.

"I missed you so much" she said kissing me on the lips

Kellie's POV

"Damm, K. He is hotter in person!" Amber said from behind me

"Amber, this Dash. Dash, this is Amber the newest member of the Red Band Society, and me and Emma new best friend!" I said as I introduced the two.

What I Want (A Red Band Society Fanfiction)[Dash x OC]Where stories live. Discover now