Walk With You

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Kellie's POV

I was good. It had been four days since I had ended my mental breakdown because of Chris, and I felt okay. I was talking and hanging out with my friends again, going to PT, and spending time with my lovely boyfriend. I was hanging out with Emma at my daily infusion.

"So how are you and Leo?" I asked her.

"We're good. Great actually. His tumor is shrinking and I'm actually starting to eat again!" she said.

"So how about you and Dash? Speaking of, where is he usually here by right?" she asked.

"Were great. I just love him so much. But he is at meeting with Dr.McAndrews and the parents. There talking about discharge." I said saddening a bit on the last part.

"Oh, the big discharge. So how does the make you feel?" she asked and reached for my hand.

"I know I should be happy. Discharge means stable, but I want him here with me. I'm still getting worse. Told me today my immune system was starting to fail." I said

"That sucks but that means that you're getting bumped up the transplant list right?" she said

"Yeah and that is always my silver lining. Thanks for sitting with me Emma" I said hugging her. 

"No problem. You're my best friend here. I wouldn't have it any other way" she said

I was about to ask her something else when I heard my ringtone. It was Leo saying "I was wrong Kellie's the best". 

Kellie: Hello                                                                                                                                                                             

Mom: Hello Kellie

Kellie: Why are you calling me? I haven't talked to you since I was admitted.

Mom: We are coming to LA to come and see you. Our plane is landing in 6 hours. We have some business to discuss. 

Kellie: Is that it?

Mom: Yes, goodbye.

She hung up before I could even get a word in edgewise. "Who was that?" she questioned. "That is my mother, she is responsible for bringing me here" I replied cooly. " I wouldn't have known you two sounded so distant." she said. "We've never had the best relationship, and I think Chris's death is going to drive an even bigger wedge in between us." I said turning around to see a nurse coming towards me. He unhooked me from my IV and told me that I was finished.

"Bye Emma. Thanks for hanging out with me! I got talk to Dash before my parents come in an hour." I hugged her quickly before running out of the infusion center. 


I arrived at Dash room in record time. Probably a little bit too fast since I was now out of breath. YEAH ME!

"Hey, babe" I walked over to him and kissed him. "Hey, gorgeous"he said back.  

"How was your appointment with Dr.McA and your parents?" I asked. "Ya no, same ol same old. Except I'm getting discharged in TWO weeks!" he said while grabbing my hand.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you." I said trying to sound overly happy to overcompensate for how sad I was. "Hey, you okay girl? What happened" he grabbed my hand. "No, no nothing wrongs. I'm just going to miss you when you're gone. You can't be abandoning me like that." I laughed at the end. "Hey, it's going to be summer soon and then Imma be here every day." He then pushed some of my curls behind my ear. 

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