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Kellie's POV

I woke this morning at about 5 this morning and called my brother before he went to school. He told me good luck on the surgery, and I told him to have a good day!

I feel back asleep for a little before I decided it was no use. I got took a shower, and put my hair into two braids. I didn't really care about my outfit because I knew they were going to make me change latter. I threw on some Nike shorts and a tank top. Put on my oxygen, and made my way to Emma's room because I knew I couldn't eat before surgery.

I knocked on her down, and she welcomed me in.

"Good morning" she said

"Morning" I replied

"Are you ready for today?" she asked

"I am but I'm also really nervous.

A)Because for this I have to under anesthesia for a long time.

B)What if they tell me that my heart is getting worse, or that they tell me I'm going to die. I'm not ready for that" I started tearing up

" Hey calm down! If Dr. McAndrews thought you were going to die you be in ICU with all the weirdos but see you're down here with all of us. That means that you are going to be okay! Okay!" she said pulling me into a hug

"Okay, and I have all of you guys to come and help me out right"

"Yeah, I'll make sure all of the boys are there on time and aren't acting dumb" she said smiling.

"Okay, Emma my surgery prep starts at 1!" I said walking out

"See you there," she said

" I walked back to my room where I said to hi to some of the kids, that were running in the hallway

I hopped back on to my bed where I started watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix.

I was able to watch about a good 45 minutes before Kenji came into my room.

"Good morning Ms. Kellie you ready to go" he said

"As I'll ever be, Kenj" I said sitting in the wheelchair.

"That's the spirit sweetie!" he said

He rolled me down to radiology where Dr.McAndrew was waiting for me.

"Hey, Doc!" I said

"Hey, Kellie. Alright here's the game plan for today" said squatting next to me. "We are going to get this x-ray, then we are going to get your CT, after that we are going to get you down to pre-op, and get your biopsy. After that will move you to recovery, the CCU where you stay a couple of days, until we think you can down to your regular room. Alright?" he asked

"Yeah. So when are we going to put in this PIC line?"

"Will put in when you are in surgery, but you'll still have your IV when you wake up okay."

I nodded, and the X-Ray tech positioned me so that I could get my scan. It only took a couple of tries and then we went down to the CT room.

For the CT, they had me change into an ugly hospital gown. I was really cold and wanted my blanket.

"Hey Kenj, could you get my star blanket from my room for me, please" I asked, sweetly

"Yeah, only because your my favorite okay" he said

"Thank you" I replied

He ran in record speed, got my blanket, and then they started the scan. It was hard, just laying there for sooo long, it was like hell but I made it through! They put me back in my wheelchair and took me down to a pre-op room.

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