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I sat in my cage, holding my hand to the place on my arm where blood had been taken. Why did they need that much? And why was Harper working with them? I shook my head. My gucci jacket was now ruined, covered in dirt. There goes four-hundred dollars. What monster would do that to me? Griffin Meyers, that's who. I looked around my enviorment, trying to ignore the screams of terror coming from each end of the building.

I heard footsteps, as a tall, shredded man walked in. He was dressed in a navy suit, decorated with a nametag, pockets, a gun holster, and several badges. I looked closer at his name tag, 'B. Hans'. He looked over at me, "Ms. Smith, I am Benjamin Hans, general of this enviorment. I have come to recruit you into our...battalion. You are quite strong, miss." He said to me, bowing politely. I could only glare, "Are you sick?! Is everyone here just out of their minds?! No, I am in no condition working for these..these murderers!" I yelled at him, standing up in the limited room I was provided.

He raised a eyebrow at me, taking several steps closer to my cage, "I am not supposed to tell you very much about your future position, but if you do agree, Dr. Meyers is willing to give you a prime position, after training, of course." He said to me in a hushed tone. I rolled my eyes, "Don't try that manipulation on the literal master of deception." I hissed, my hands igniting on fire as I glared. He looked at me, smirking, "That's just adorable." he said, turning his head.

Before I knew it, dark smoke flew all around him, in a spiral like sense. He emerged from the smoke, but not the same. He had long, pointy elf ears, his eyes were pupiless, and glowing. The dark smoke stayed around him, and sharp fangs came from his bleeding gums, "Don't think you are the only one here who's powerful, young lady." his voice sounded as though there were six of him, whispering loudly.

I kept my eyes on him, the fire on my hands burning brighter, "I'm not afraid of you..I'm not going to do anything for you monsters!" I heard myself yelling, throwing fire at him. I suddenly felt a rush of pain, the fire I had shot richotched off of the glass and back towards me, "Then live in this cage forever, it's all your choice."

Hearing him storm out, I laid in the bottom of my cage, staring into the bright LED light. I wasn't weak. I wasn't weak like Harper, or Griffin, or Benjamin Hans. I was stronger than all of them, and I was going to prove it to my mom that I was good enough, strong enough, and smart enough. This wasn't where it ended for me.

If my day couldn't get any weirder, I watched Zero get thrown in the cage beside me, yelling and screaming for them to release him, "Just shut up before they kill you." I snapped, punching the glass in his direction, "'re here? Aw come on, you are his girlfriend-" I could almost see the aterisks in the air, "Was." I corrected, looking at him, "I thought they were taking you to the asylum?"

"I thought so too, until I saw what was on my mom's computer. Dr. Meyers came for an 'evaluation' to see if I was 'sane enough' to stay in the world. He lied right to my mothers face! And even worse, she believed him!"  I heard him raising his voice at me, "Slow down, Marshmallow." I spat, annoyed, "Just wait, they'll be in here in just a secound to ask you if you'll work for them, and it's all your decision but-" "Oh shi-" We were interrupted by a familiar voice. Harper was back for Zero, and with her syringe.

"I can't do this to you-" We heard her mumble. Common case of "the crush". But on Zero Jones? She's got to be kidding me. "They'll kill you if you don't. Just get it over with. You're a big boy, Zero! You can handle it!" I cheered them both on, leaning on the opposite end of the cage, "Or...Harper, you have the keys, don't you?" I asked, perking up. I knew Zero felt the same way, because he became focused on her.

"Y-yeah, I have the keys..but they won't get us out the front door-" She mumbled, "But your boyfriend has them, no doubt." I smirked, seeing her panick, "Wha--I don't have a - have a boyfriend.." "Griffin, stupid." "oh- yeah, he does.."

I shook my head. She was more oblivious than a blonde at a bookstore. And trust me, I know. I took Anna to one once...she tried, 'turning it on'...yeah, never again. "Then get us out!" I snapped, seeing her fumble to do so. First, I got out, then Zero. Turning into a wolf, he tried bolting for the door, but Harper grabbed him by his tail. "No! Do you want to die?!" She roared, as he turned human once more, his eyes golden, "Oh, pardon me, but you two seemed like you had it handled."

I crossed my arms, "If you think for a secound that you are better than us-" I started, stomping up to him. He got in my face, "What if I do? What are you going to do, Princess Leia?"

Oh I could murder him.

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