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I got the chills as I walked through the empty halls of Cornerville High. I had just finished my tutoring session with my science teacher, and had an extra ten minutes before people were going to start arriving. That sounds like fun, except I hate people. With a burning passion that comes from the firey depths of hell. Sure, I've got a friend or two, but that's it. I don't get involved in rumors, or drama, I just stay to myself and everyone leaves me alone. It's like I don't even exsist, and I love it!

Though all freedom has to have a unmerciful ruler at some point in time. Kids started arriving, slowly but surely, and eventually I was surrounded by a sweaty sea of highschoolers. Fun. I escaped into bathroom, getting on my phone and calling my only friend there at school, Lucas Greenhill. He never picked up his phone though, so it was like luring in a lion with a marshmallow. "God, Luke, why can't you answer the phone this once?" I asked myself, before putting it away. Emerging back into the crowded halls, I found my way to my locker, and pretended to be busy until I heard a familiar voice, "Jones!" Lucas called, slapping me on the back. I turned around, smiling through the pain of my probably red back, "Yo." I said, plain and simple. "Come on Zero. It doesn't work if you don't say my name back. It's simple, 'Greenhill!'. He mimicked, presumingly me, but I wasn't bothered, "Oh, and draw attention to myself. That sounds like an adventure." I said, sarcastically. Lucas rolled his eyes at me, as we walked to class together, "Only one more year of this torture, Lucas, then we're free. Just remember that when you want to slit your wrists because Mr. Goss gives you a pop quiz on a subject you haven't even learned about." I joked, smirking at him. All he did was scoff.

Last year, Mr. Goss was our history teacher who expected us to know everything about history, or his so called, "Basics". He tended to give us pop quizzes on random subjects like Ghengis Khan, or Ancient Rome. Lucas, one time, got so angry he threatened to kill Mr. Goss, getting suspended for three weeks. Of course he completely enjoyed it, having lived as a foster kid all of his life, his foster parents didn't care. He left me at the door to my first period and bolted to his as soon as the warning bell had rung. I laughed, watching this track kid running as if his life depended on it. Having Ms. Nardella, I think it did.

Finally my class was over, and I re-entered the hallway for my sharpie that I had left in my locker. You probably are thinking its stupid that I'm wasting time changing classes to grab my sharpie, right? Wrong. I need it to help me focus, since I can listen better when I am drawing. Normally, I try to draw henna on my hand for fun, even though Lucas calls me gay for it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark brown haired girl staring at me from across the hall...just...staring. I acted like I wasn't comepletely weirded out, and walked into my class. It just so happens my wonderful stalker is sitting next to me. How nice.

I started drawing the sun and moon on my hand, and kept expanding and editing the artwork until I was starting to become happy with it. I felt as though I was being watched, and turns out, I was. "That's really good-" I heard the stalker girl whisper in my ear. I looked up her, "Yeah- uh thanks." I managed to say, before returning to my artwork. I felt her breath on me, knowing she was still watching, "I'm sorry if I come across as rude, but could you please stop staring at me? It's kind of bothersome." I said to her, and sure enough, she looked away. Never knew how weird some of these junior girls could be. Sure, most of them went here last year, but this girl I didn't recognise, and that heightened my concerns about her. Sure, I'm a little pessimistic, but there is no way I'm sitting there again tommorow.

"Okay everyone, take a long, hard look at where you are sitting! You'll be there all year!"

Why on earth do I make wishes?

The girl seemed elated, like she couldn't be happier. Of course she loved it. I'm her stalkee. Her target. I stood up, "Uh, sorry, but no. I'm not sitting here all year. Not even the rest of the day, mind you. Can I move?" I asked, not thinking about how it sounded out loud. Ms. Nussbeck, the teacher, glared at him, "Zero Jones..let's not have a repeat of last year, shall we? You are going to sit there and you will learn to love your neighbor. Understand?" She asked me in a harsh tone. She didn't have to bring up last year.

Last year was the year me and Griffin Meyers got into a fist fight in the hall over how he was treating his current girlfriend. No, I didn't like her like that, but no one deserves to be yelled at and called names. That's just not okay, under any circumstance. So, I tried telling him to knock it off, and he didn't. We argued, then he punched me, and I punched back, blah blah blah...but of course the captain of the football team was 'defending himself' and not starting fights because if he did, their best player would kicked off of our already trash football team. So yeah, another game of 'blame the wallflower'.

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