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Finally, lunchtime. The one time I can kick somebody's a** and no teachers will be around to see or hear until some little twerp decides to scurry off and tell the office. I completely ignored Kenzie when I walked in, and went straight to my table with the other football players, or at least the ones who's lunch was fifth period. It looked like Kenzie was ratting out this girl in the hall, but I honestly didn't care. That's just what she does.

"Aye, Meyers, you ready for tryouts tommorow? I heard there is a new coach who will be letting us in or out. That shouldn't be a problem for you though, since you're captain." One of the guys said. I nodded, "Yeah. They kick me off and we'll be having a new coach real soon." I threatened, jokingly. I took a hefty handful of fries off another one's tray, throwing one in my mouth, "Pewwwwwshkkk" I imitated, making a fry look as though it were the coach, falling it into a small paper cup of ketchup. Everyone else laughed.

My fun was interrupted when I heard Anna, one of Kenzie's partners in crime, scream at the girl who I'll later learn is named Harper. Something about our friendly neighboorhood drug dealer, Will. The entire school knew who he was, including myself. I listened in. Smirking, I wondered what she did to Will. Sounded like fun. Anna ran off fake crying, as I head my buddies whispering about it, saying all sorts of things about her, that I, personally, would love to be a part of.

Watching Anna walk away, I noticed Harper was talking to Zero. Were they together? If so, that makes me want her so much more. And psh, he's only a human. A vampire like me could finish him off in one swipe. Maybe even compelling him to kill himself would work, too. I told everyone at my table to hold on a sec, "Watch this-" I said to them, before walking in the direction of the table they were all sitting at. "Hey daisy, you haven't introduced me to your new little friend yet.." I said, smirking as I looked at Zero.

Zero looked agravated, and that's exactly what I was going for, "This is Harper, and I hardly know her." He snapped. Ah, so therefor she was up for grabs. "Oh, well then gorgeous..." I started flirtatiously, looking at her, "I'm Griffin Meyers." I said, grabbing her hand and kissing it like an old fashioned gentlemen. (Guys who are reading this, take notes.). I saw her cheeks fluster the color of a rose, "Harper Collins.." she stuttered, barely able to function through her pink cheeks and wistful thoughts. I watched her, "I expect to see you at my table tommorow, beautiful. Don't be late..I hate getting angry at pretty faces like yours." I spoke, turning my back and walking off. That's how you do it.

I went back to my table of friends, "Got her. Kenzie is going to be so done-" but before I could even finish, there she was, standing behind me in all of her burberry luxuriousness, "What was that?" I heard her hiss, her words crawling down my spine. I turned, a smug smile on my face, "We can talk about it in the hallway." I told her, getting up from the metal lunch table and following her into the hall. She was glaring at me, "Explain exactly why you were talking to the new girl, and even better, the reason why I watched you kiss her hand!" I could tell she was furious, but honestly, I didn't care.

"Because I saw an oppurtunity and I took it, darling. It's all in the game of 'there are hotter girls than Kenzie'." I boasted, seeing the complete and utter jealousy in her eyes. "Well maybe you should shut down your little game, before I do. I can't even believe you would choose a nobody over me! Kenzie freaking Smith! I'm like gold, Griffin. She is simply a penny. You want to do this? Play with my emotions like that?!" she raved at me with so much furiousity I was wondering if I should take cover, "Kenz, calm was only a kiss-" I said to her, getting closer as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I felt her muscles calm down as I brought my face up to hers.

"Don't..and listen to me..don't do it agai-" but I didn't want to hear her mouth, so I kissed her, and she let me. Thank god it was easy to calm her down, otherwise this would be a total nightmare.  I heard the bell ring for the next class, as I came out and started walking to it, lighting a cigarette in my mouth. I walked into art, with the coolest teacher in there, Mr. Kevin. He didn't have us call him by his last name, he just wanted to make sure we added mister. He was normally drunk, but nobody cared. He was basically a tipsy bob ross, and nobody had a problem with that.

I blew white smoke out of my cigarette as I noticed Harper across the room. I smirked, seeing that I had caught her eye. I don't care what Kenzie said, I'm determined, and Harper was now my territory.

Sorry, Jones.

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