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I saw Kenzie that day at school, as I greeted her with a warm kiss, not knowing when I'd see her again. I knew I was in the newspaper, and I know who opened their filthy little snout. Zero Jones. I looked at Kenzie, feeling guilty for not telling her about what was going to happen, when I saw Zero by the boy's restroom. I smiled softly at Kenzie one last time, "One secound-" I mumbled, before chasing after him, pinning him up against the wall. Furiousity flowed through my veins, and I wanted to kill him.

"What in hell do you think you are doing?! Telling the school about me?! About Harper?!" I yelled, as I knew he was going to watch me, "The heat isn't only hitting you, okay?! Everyone thinks I'm a freaking physco!" He spat back at me, as I glared at him intensely. Oh ho ho, he is putting himself on such a high horse. "You are nothing compared to me, Jones. You are the kid everyone ignores, a joke, a shadow~" I chided, holding the heartless glare as if it were keeping him from moving, and it was, "Me? I'm football captain, dating the Kenzie Smith. I am a rich kid, a popular guy, someone who if I died, we would skip school for a week." I hissed, "This is going to ruin me before it ruins you."

You can probably guess what happened next. I went to punch him, but he dogded it, my fist slamming into the tile and causing it to crack. Pain flickered up my hand like lightning, as I looked at my fist, blood over my knuckles. That frosty the snowman is going to pay. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him flee like a cat from a bathtub. I chased him, only a few feet behind him. What I didn't notice, were the people who got their phones out, watching us like starving vultures.

The secound I entered the parking lot, I couldn't see him. Oh and believe me, I wanted to. I wanted to be the one to end Zero Finn Jones, to end everything he cared about at once and not even get any backlash. Yet, I knew I would. Turning to walk away, I could bet you my life that I could beat him up tommorow, but that was then.

He had somehow seen me and my father kidnap Harper, take her to the lab, and put her in a cage. Only mystical creatures could see that building though, with a few exceptions...therefore..Zero is a creature. With enough convincing my father, we could totally kidnap and torture Zero. I would just to think of something to bait him our website! We use it to slide money off of needy parents all the while kidnapping several mystical creatures. Who knew? Maybe his mom had already looked at it.

I went back inside the school, locking eyes with Will Jones, who had the same intentions as me. I went over to him, "I'll give you a place, a good and high paying place at the CCA if you make sure your brother gets locked up there, got it?" I hissed. Over the past few weeks, I'd been talking to Will about working at the CCA, since my dad saw how able Will looked compared to Zero. Will sighed heavily, "Got it, but if no job, he's getting broke out and the entire world will know about you and your organization." He said, "But yeah, got it."

Venturing through the halls into my secound period, I saw that Kenzie angrily stormed out of Maya Octavian's office, clenching the newspaper tightly, "Hey, all good?" I asked, playing coy when I knew exactly what it was about. She just stormed right past me without any recognition. How rude. I didn't let Queen Bee's little hissy fit let me down. Nothing could, knowing I would eventually be torturing Zero, making him suffer for everything he has done since the moment he was born, to the moment he dies.

I gave it a few hours, as it was now lunch time, and I was sitting with my usual group. Except we weren't talking about hot babes or football games..we were talking about the rumors. "Yo, Meyers." A new guy someone had let over to our table started, "What's up with this paper? You starting a hit and run business for girls?" He asked. I scoffed, "You don't actually believe the Hornet Daily, right? And since when did you guys learn how to read?" I spat, defensively.

One of them gasped, "So it is true?! How did you do it? Did you drug her? Is she tied to your bed or something right now?" I was so angry, "That's sick, Louis, and no, I don't. Did Maya send you all to bombard me with questions?" I snapped, getting up and throwing my lunch platter at them as I stormed out. Walking through the large, blue cafeteria doors, I saw something I never thought my eyes would see..

Kenzie and Lucas Greenhill, up against a locker, kissing eachother. Kenzie opened her eyes, and was incredibly alarmed when she saw me, "Griff!" but she was too late. I threw Lucas off of her, "What are you doing with that drughead, Kenzie?! And even better, kissing him? How long has this even been going on behind my back?!" I yelled at her, my emotions going haywire. I slapped her, as she fell to the ground. I watched her eyes fill up with tears, "Griffin..please just listen-" I kicked her back down, "Stay there, and don't even think about moving or I'll freaking kill you."

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