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Liam had explained to me this elaborate plan on how we are going to escape. Apparently, if I join forces with the doctors, I'll be able to sneak out the warehouse doors, exept for the fact I am wearing this ticking time bomb on my wrist. If I disobey, it sends a strong strike of voltage through my body. If I run away...I will explode. Not exactly the best options. He did tell me that if I am assigned Hunter, I am able to go on a 'hunt', and run off as if I was trying to catch the one I'm following. We just hope I am a hunter.

I was holding on to arm, as I was in a lot of pain from the blood extraction. I was leaning against the wall, listening to Liam, "Okay, so if you can steal a van, come and get me at the window over here..then me and you can run off back to our families. I'd keep a eye out if I were you. If you escape, they won't forget you. I should know.." I heard him trail off, as I sighed softly, "Got it. I got this..I think..I hope." I said, failing at being reassuring. It was so easy telling my friends to get over a breakup but promising this stranger that I can save him is incredibly hard.

I looked around, not seeing much of anything anymore. The lights were turned off, and there was no light outside. I'm assuming it was nighttime. I hadn't slept in two days, scared out my mind. It only made me wonder how long Liam has gone without sleep. I heard footsteps, seeing the familiar face of Dr. Meyers. "Have you made your choice yet?" He asked me, as I eyed the syringes in his jacket pocket. Dang. I bit my lip, looking at Liam. He nodded, telling me to go on. "I'll work for you..." I managed to say, as The Doctor smirked mischeviously, "Okay then, you are going to be a nurse. I hope you understand the terms and conditions, of course. No escaping, no telling others about us, no freeing prisoners, etcetera. Deal?" His voice had the crackle of stone cold ice when you ran water over it.

A nurse? Liam didn't even mention that in our plans! And I was too terrified to break any of those rules. I looked at Liam in a rushed panic. I wondered if the doctor noticed how I was looking at Liam for all of my decisions. He sighed softly, before giving me a thumbs up, "We'll figure this out, fishbait." he said to me, before I looked back at the doctor,"Deal." I declared, confidentely. As soon as I spoke those words, the cage door swung open, letting me out. A guard came in my uniform, handing it to me. "Don't make mistakes, Ms. Collins. That would be awful.." He chided.

After about 10 minutes, I was escorted to the changing room, as I did just so. Thankfully, there was a mirror. It was a white, knee-length dress, with a pocket on the chest, white tights, black flats, and white gloves. Wow, they truly loved color here. I walked out, regretting everything I'd ever done up to this point. I was shown my dormitory, with the other female nurses. I set my 'starters kit' as they called it, on the bed. Supposedly I would have to take lessons in anesthetics. Lord have mercy, I doubt I'll make it another five minutes.

After I exited, I found a girl run into me in the hall, dressed in the same uniform as me, "Hey, rookie." she said to me. God, I hate it when people treat me like I know nothing. First day at cornerville, first time being a nurse, it was all the same, "Y-you know who I am?" I asked her, raising a eyebrow, "No, it's just you look like a werewolf who just got out of a bathtub." She said, laughing, "I'm Skyler." She said to me, spunkily shaking my hand, "Oh- I'm Harper Collins..." I mumbled.

The girl's face went blank, losing it's light, "Collins? Like...Kai Collins?" she questioned. "How do you know my brother?" I wondered, sort of creeped out. She looked as if she was using a lot of self control not to cry, "That's my- well, not anymore..but I dated him, until I was captured.." she said to me, "Is he okay?" she asked. Holy-

She dated my brother? Kai was able to keep a girlfriend as beautiful as her? I honestly expected him to be gay- "Yeah, I guess. He dresses in all black now..and smokes..and is out all the time drinking." I said, quietly. That was only the shallow end. She bit her lip, "For almost a year I've been trying to get out, and he's the only thing I can think about..the only reason I even want to go back to reality.." She whispered, getting teary eyed, "Don't worry. I'm going to protect you with my life, knowing you mean a lot to him." She said to me, before reeling me in for a hug. This was truly a interesting expirience.

"If you ever escape, tell him where I am, okay?" she asked me, and I nodded, as that was all I could honestly handle right now. I doubt he'd even care. She's been in here for a year? Yeah, he probably forgot she even exsists. If he can forget to return my black nail polish five secounds after I ask for it, he has definidently forgotten this blonde haired, blue eyed barbie.

We were interrupted by a loud intercom announcement, "Nurses in quadron A, we need you to report to the infirmerary immediately. "That's us." Skylar groaned, as we rushed into the infirmerary.

I only hoped I would make it out of this hell hole alive..

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