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I rushed to school that morning wearing my red and gold varsity football jacket, jeans, and a white t-shirt. Sure, it was generic, but that was all I could manage to do this morning after my dad yelled at me. Plenty of kids my age get mad or hate their parents, or think they just aren't being treated right, but mine actually doesn't. My dad works in some "secret" business I'm not supposed to know about, and any time I ask he gets defensive and irritable. Over a single question. It doesn't help that he is an alcoholic, either. Every night he comes home from the bar, slurring his words and knocking things over. According to him, it's my fault that I have to deal with him, because I didn't go with my mother when she left.

He likes to tell me she didn't want me, that she cares about Ohio and her new family more than me. Even though I know thats not the truth, a little part of me likes to nag and tell me it is. Running faster, I checked my phone to see if I had any new messages this morning. Yeah, only a couple. Thank god my dad wasn't awake yet, otherwise my mood would go down instantly. The best thing about being me is that I have bipolar disorder, and LOVE to make it worse with drugs.

Sure, its a little pushing too hard on the angsty teen stereotype, but thats life. Plain and simple.  Walking into school a couple of guys from the football team welcomed me back, as well as my current girlfriend, Kenzie Smith. Skipping up to me she smiled, looking my way. I returned the smile, "Hey, baby-" she said to me and planting a kiss on my cheek, "Hey. How did the orientation thing go with that new chick?" I wondered, watching her. Kenzie smiled, "Babe, I haven't even gone yet." she said to me, rolling her eyes. I scoffed,"Okay, sorry." I mumbled, before seeing the famous white haired pain in the butt walk by the gym entrance. I glared for a moment, before pushing all threatening ideas past me. I looked back at Kenzie, "I've got to go, have fun doing...whatever you were doing-" he said, before walking out into the hallway. Zero was missing. I really wanted to hit him, to have the last laugh.

I skipped first and secound period both, to go and meet my friend for the cases of beer he owed me. I know I complain about how my dad drinks, but if you had dared brung up the fact that I'm a hypocrite in that matter, you'd have a mouthful of blood. I looked at my buddy, Anthony, and smiled, "Thanks. This'll help." I said before stashing it in my backpack. I walked back down to class, as third period was P.E.. Oh look, its that little punk Zero. For some reason whoever made our schedules was on crack if they thought this was a good idea. I tried walking up to him, but I was blocked off by the coach calling for laps.

Across the room, Kenzie caught my eye. As always, dress code wasn't a thing to her. She was wearing a tight red t-shirt and short black shorts. I honestly hated how she wore such revealing clothes when we were together. I walked up to her, "Kenzie, what on earth do you think you are doing wearing that crap?" I snapped, glaring at her angrily. This was my bipolar kicking in, and it sucked. Pissed off, I kept staring her boldly in the eye, "Oh, griff, this is my P.E. uniform. It gets me a 100. Ever heard of it?" she snapped back just as fearless as I had. I scoffed, "Listen to me here, Kenzie. I don't need you going off and wearing things like that, and sure as hell not talking to me like that. You understand?" I spat, seeing the anger in her eyes, "Griffin, I hope you know how lucky you are to have me, and how freaking insane you are to lose me. Five secounds to apologise or you lose the hottest, richest chick in school. Five..four..three-" she started counting down. God, how I wanted to punch her in the face. "Sorry that you're a b-" then the whistle blew. I turned and looked at the coach, "Okay girls, cheer tryouts are tommorow at 3:15 right before school is over. I'll see you tommorow." He called, and I stormed out. How does she think she can snap on me the way she does and not get any heat for it.

I made my way to the boys locker room to change out of my P.E. clothes. While I was in there, you'll never guess who I saw, "Zero Jones..feminist fighter." I said under my breath. The white haired boy just rolled his eyes, as he took off his shirt, "That's getting old, goldielocks." I heard him hiss. His lack of empathy made it even more enraging. "What's getting old? The fact that you humiliated me in front of the entire school last year, or the fact that you are a complete and utter coward." I growled, hot headed. Zero came up to me, his icy blue eyes staring me down with sudden intensity, "No, the fact that I could do it all over again without a single regret." He whispered harshly. I balled up my fist, digging my broken fingernails into my knuckles, before punching Zero across the face, making his lip bleed, "Funny you say that, Jones, because you have to deal with me the rest of the year, in this class. I was starting to think it was a mistake, but no..." I laughed menacingly, "This will be the best year of my life." I concluded, before turning around and leaving Zero with his bloody lip and the taste of iron in his mouth, "Oh, and a heads up, I'd stay away from the salty comments. They will get old really fast." I added, then left for real, and for good.

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